Youth Fight For Jobs march 2 April 2009, photo Paul Mattsson

Youth Fight For Jobs march 2 April 2009, photo Paul Mattsson   (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)

Build a mass, national, democratic campaign against cuts and fees

  • NO to fees rising to up to £9,000 a year and 80% cuts to universities’ teaching budgets!
  • NO to interest rates on student loans of up to 3% above inflation!
  • NO to scrapping EMA and 25% cuts to college budgets!
  • NO to young people and workers paying for the bankers’ crisis!
  • ORGANISE mass walkouts, protests and demonstrations on 24 November when parliament discusses fees
  • BUILD local anti-cuts campaigns in every university and college
  • COME to the Socialist Students conference on 5 December to discuss linking these together into a national campaign