Why I became a socialist

Scott Jones

As a teenager in 2008 I left college with great confidence in finding work. However life is all about timing. I had ‘chosen’ one of the world’s worst recessions to try to find my first job. I was unemployed for almost 18 months.

This difficult period politicised me. Looking for someone to blame and a way to understand the world crisis. Growing up in the South Wales Valleys, surrounded by tales of the miners’ strike and images of Chartism I eventually became a committed socialist. A society run for the needs of the many and not the profit of the few is the only way to overcome the political, environmental, economic and social problems that we face.

I joined the Socialist Party at the beginning of 2011, a momentous year of working class struggle and am now a trade union rep at the supermarket I work at.

The Socialist Party puts a fighting programme on the most important issues for workers and combats the betrayal of Labour.