Visteon pensioners protesting at Westminister, 28 March

Visteon pensioners protesting at Westminster, 28 March

Three years after the shock closure of Visteon, the campaign to restore pension rights promised before Ford transfered 3,400 employees to the doomed Visteon UK continues with a protest at Westminster on Wednesday 28th March at midday.

A protest letter will be delivered to Downing Street with speeches to follow from senior Unite leaders, Visteon Pension Action Group leaders and political representatives.

The protest will be joined by London NUT members who are taking a day of strike action over the issue of pensions.

Over 200 Ex-Visteon UK workers and pensioners will gather from Wales, Belfast, Enfield and Basildon to reinforce the demands directed at Ford to restore pensions earned and paid for with Ford and transferred to the daughter company, Visteon.

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