Help build an alternative to the pro-cuts press with a May Day greeting

    Bob Severn

    As the Socialist goes to press the details of the new press regulator are coming to light.

    But the main freedoms of the capitalist press stay in place: the freedom to peddle pro-cuts lies, the freedom to attack workers who take strike action, the freedom to spread racist, homophobic and sexist lies.

    This is as the main issue – who owns and controls the press – has been left untouched. We need to build an alternative to the capitalist media, where it is not just a few billionaire media moguls who control what’s printed.

    The Socialist says make the banksters and fat cats pay for their crisis. It reports the struggles of working class and young people, both in Britain and worldwide. It shows why the cuts aren’t necessary and what’s needed to stop them.

    And you can financially support that alternative with a May Day greeting.

    Every year the Socialist carries May Day greetings from campaigning groups to mark International Workers’ Day, which commemorates the first US general strike that took place on 1 May 1886.

    Greeting messages can promote the work of socialists, trade unionists, students and other anti-cuts campaigners, while raising essential money for the Socialist.

    The pledge sheet can be used to collect donations towards a workplace or campaign greeting. Use the contact details below to order copies.

    We can also send you model motions for getting a May Day greeting from your trade union branch, student society or campaign.

    We need your greeting messages and images by 10 April – greetings paid for by then get a 25% discount.

    Greetings prices include: £500 for a whole page (£375 before 10 April); £300 for a half-page (£225); £170 quarter-page (£127.50); £90 one-eighth (£67.50); £50 one-sixteenth (£37.50); £30 1/32 (£22.50); £20 small box (£15).

    Other rates are available. For enquiries please phone 020 8988 8781 or email [email protected].

    You can also give your greeting online at