May Day greetings – support the socialist

Surrey Unison deputy branch secretary Paul Couchman has raised £89 for a May Day greeting from individual donations given by members of his union branch.

Have you asked for May Day greeting donations from fellow socialists and activists in your union branch or campaign group yet?

May Day greetings help show solidarity with working-class and young people internationally, while also showing support for socialist ideas and raising money to fund the socialist.

Unlike the capitalist press, the socialist is not funded or influenced by big business millionaires. This means we can print the views of people campaigning for decent jobs and services while putting forward the alternative of a socialist world. The paper therefore relies on its readers and supporters for funding.

Take out a May Day greeting this year, as either a group or an individual, so we can continue to print and distribute socialist news.

Email [email protected] for May Day greeting pledge sheets, appeal letters or for more information. The 25% bigger greeting offer has been extended by one week until 26 March. The final deadline is 11 April.

Rates include: £15 for 1/32 page (£11.25 if paid by 26 March), £25 1/16 page (£18.75), £40 1/8 page (£30) and £75 1/4 page (£56.25). Make cheques payable to Socialist Publications Ltd or phone 020 8988 8796 to pay by debit/credit card.