Labour’s the problem not the answer

UNISON Health conference:

Labour’s the problem not the answer

THE UNISON Health conference in Plymouth started on 25 April with a mass of
resolutions condemning the creeping privatisation of the NHS under New Labour.

Bill Mullins

But all the union’s leadership could do was to support the resolutions
whilst meekly calling for the delegates to vote Labour in the hope that the
government would change its mind!

In a powerful and emotional speech, Adrian O’Malley, a Socialist Party
member from the Wakefield hospitals branch, condemned this attitude and
declared it the same as turkeys voting for Christmas.

"Eight years of Labour privatisation has followed from 18 years of Tory
privatisation. The only difference is Labour does it faster. The Labour
government and the Labour Party is the problem not the answer," he said to
enthusiastic applause.

He ended his speech by saying: "The only way to beat privatisation is by
taking industrial action against it. In the election I have a real choice and
will be voting for the Socialist Party in my area."

Another delegate from Jarrow declared that he was so sick of what the
government was doing to the NHS that he was standing as an independent
candidate, with the slogan "Save the NHS".

The conference continues until 27 April with the crucial issue of pensions
yet to be debated.