Campaign for a new workers’ party

The campaign is gaining support with signatures from workers, trade
unionists, students and community activists.

This week, a sixth UNISON NEC member signed the declaration. There
are now 25 trade union NEC members in support of the campaign (all in a
personal capacity).

Supporters of the campaign are using the declaration and petition in
their workplaces, colleges and local communities to raise the idea of a
new workers’ party.

Also, Socialist Party branches are holding stalls and meetings and
discussing the campaign with those who are searching for genuine
working-class representation and an alternative to the mainstream
political parties.

The website for the campaign is now up at You can
read the full text of the declaration, sign-up in support and read about
events related to the campaign.

If you haven’t already, please read and sign the declaration and ask
others to do so as well. Get in touch with the campaign by emailing
[email protected].

The declaration states:

  • We, the undersigned, agree to campaign for the establishment of a new
    mass workers’ party in England and Wales.
  • We will campaign for the calling of a representative conference as a
    step towards the founding of a new party.
  • We will also support all other genuine initiatives towards
    independent working-class representation, including the conference
    called by the RMT.

New signatories this week include (all in a personal capacity):

John Jones UNISON NEC, Kevin Kelly PCS National Vice-President,
Teresa MacKay Chair Agricultural Trade Sector TGWU, Luke Aylward
President Socialist Students Society University of Lincoln, Ron Isaacs
AMICUS, Brian Debus Joint branch secretary Hackney Unison, M Waterfall
Chair Hackney Unison, Thomas Penman Leicester University Student Union
LGBT officer, Nick Parker Leicester University Student Union Campaigns
and Representatives Committee officer, Steve Wootton CWU South West
Engineering Branch Committee member, Phil Clarke NUT, Glyn Matthews
USDAW, Emmet O’Brien PCS GEC member MP Group.

mass workers party: archive of articles
