The Real ‘Axis Of Evil’

Bush, Blair, Sharon:

The Real ‘Axis Of Evil’

Bush, the angel of Death
IN A Forrest Gump moment, George W Bush admitted "They’re
not happy they’re occupied. I wouldn’t be happy if I were occupied either."

Alistair Tice

No wonder. Amnesty International reports that US-led
forces have "shot Iraqis dead during demonstrations, tortured and ill-treated
prisoners, arrested people arbitrarily and held them indefinitely, demolished
houses in acts of revenge and collective punishment."

(Above, extract from Cartoon by
Alan Hardman)

Occupation forces have killed at least 11,000 Iraqi
civilians. Over 600, many women and children, were killed in Falluja. Najaf is
encircled. Baghdad is cut off with all highways closed. No wonder Iraqis are
‘not happy’ with this ‘liberation’.

Bush said of Blair "he’s a stand-up kinda guy". Well, the
rest of the world’s not laughing at this ‘stand-up’ double-act.

It’s not funny for the Iraqi children dying cancerous
deaths from playing amidst uranium-depleted contamination.

Nor the hundreds of servicemen and women who have died –
for what? The profits of the oil companies. The reconstruction contracts. To
get Bush re-elected?


It’s not funny for the dozens taken hostage. Nor the
millions of people around the world who now live with the increased fear of
terrorist attack. It’s always ordinary people who suffer from war and

"Whose side are you on?" asks Blair. He says: "On the one
side are terrorists, religious fanatics and supporters of Saddam Hussein…"
Isn’t this the same dictator Saddam who western governments supported when he
served their interests?

Even now, US ‘dictator’ in Iraq, Paul Bremer, uses
Saddam’s anti-trade union laws and wants to bring back Saddam’s army officers
to restore order.

What about religious fanatic Bush who claims: "Freedom is
the Almighty’s gift… And as the greatest power on the face of the earth we
have an obligation to help spread freedom." Sounds like the divine right of US

And there’s no bigger state terrorist than Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon, given the green light by Bush to steal more Palestinian
land and assassinate their leaders.

Bush, Blair and Sharon are the warmongers. The real ‘axis
of evil’. They are a ‘clear and present danger to the world.’

Resistance will grow

That’s why Iraqi and Palestinian resistance to occupation
will grow. As will demands in the west to bring the troops home. Spanish and
Honduran troops are to be withdrawn. Bush and Blair are losing support. A
resurgent mass movement in Britain and the US could see the toppling of this

At the same time, we need to build an alternative to the
‘profit before people’ oppressive and exploitative system of capitalism that
spawns war and terror.

A democratic socialist society would harness the wealth
and resources of the world for the benefit of the vast majority. That’s whose
side we are on. Join us.