Make the poor pay

WHO SHOULD pay for the economic recession? Unsurprisingly, the British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) says it should be the low paid.

The bosses’ organisation wants the national minimum wage to be pegged at the current miserly rate of £5.73 an hour in 2009 for workers aged over 21 years.

According to the BCC, increasing the minimum wage will increase unemployment. However, the logic of ‘pricing oneself out of a job’ doesn’t seem to apply to the bosses, who continue to receive huge salaries and fat pension pots.

It also doesn’t explain how people are meant to be able to pay soaring food, transport and fuel bills, let alone rents and mortgages.

But if the bosses are claiming poverty, why not open up the company accounts for inspection by the workers? Let’s see where the profits in the ‘good times’ have gone!