Join the G8 protests

    The G8 are eight, we are billions! Make capitalism history! Make
    socialism our future!

    George Bush and Tony Blair will be in Scotland to take part in the
    discussions of the capitalist club, the G8, between 6-8 July.

    Karim Brikci

    Since 1998 this undemocratic organisation has been facing mass
    demonstrations opposing the way capitalism runs the world. You have all
    heard about Seattle, Genoa, Evian… where hundreds of thousands of
    young people and workers took to the streets to protest against war,
    poverty and exploitation.

    The government realise the demonstrations in July will be huge, and
    are trying to intimidate potential protesters to stop them attending.
    Gleneagles and the surrounding areas where the G8 will be held will
    resemble a fortress. But despite this, ordinary people from all over the
    world will travel to Scotland this summer.

    We think that only a mass socialist movement will be able to defeat
    capitalist policies and build another society, a socialist one. If you
    want to join International Socialist Resistance in coming to the G8 or
    to participate in our international youth camp, from 2 July onwards,
    then contact us!

    Join us for the 2 July demo in Edinburgh – transport from London
    around £30.