Fight for a socialist plan

Make poverty history:

Fight for a socialist plan

MORE THAN 20,000 people die each day in the neo-colonial world
because of "extreme poverty". In Africa – the immediate object
of the mass campaign to "make poverty history" – 4.8 million
in sub-Saharan Africa currently die before the age of five every year
according to the United Nations (UN). That’s nine deaths every minute.

Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party general secretary

Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region in the world where the number
of child deaths is rising and on current trends there will be 5.1
million infant deaths by 2015. This region currently accounts for 43
million of the 115 million children out of school, just over a third of
the total.

And not just Africa but Asia and Latin America are scarred by
unspeakable poverty, which means a brutish, half-human existence for
billions. In India, for instance, supposedly a "shining",
capitalist example to the peoples of the neo-colonial world, in the
state of Andhra Pradesh, 4,000 farmers have committed suicide since

This is because of the rapid introduction of pro-market policies,
aiming to drive 20 million people off the land and into industry,
through the withdrawal of subsidies to farmers. Those left behind were
forced to borrow from money-lenders at rates as high as 36%, which
compelled some of them to sell themselves into bonded (slave) labour for
life to pay off their debts.

The masses of Latin America, from the indigenous peoples of Bolivia
to the impoverished masses of the shanty towns of Brazil, are little
better off than their counterparts in Asia or Africa and are in open
revolt at these conditions.

It is the outrage of the millions in Britain and worldwide at these
conditions which has driven hundreds of thousands to the G8 protests
this weekend. They will find no answers from the leaders of the G8
countries, hard-nosed capitalist politicians, who rest on a system into
which poverty is woven.

Nor, unfortunately, do those pop stars who, commendably, called for a
mass demonstration, have an answer. To provide a real solution, it is
first necessary to correctly diagnose the disease and then adopt the
most effective measures to cure it.

The poverty of Africa is not an act of god but the product of a
system, capitalism, which is based upon production for profit for the
benefit of a few at the expense of the social needs of billions on this
planet. Just over 500 rich individuals, overwhelmingly men, the owners
of the large transnational companies, have as much income as three
billion people, half the world’s population.

This gross inequality is reason enough to oppose the system but when
the owners of this wealth are also incapable of taking society and the
world forward, it becomes obsolete and therefore should be removed. This
is a failed system when we see that, while corporate profits soar, 89
countries are worse off than in the early 1990s.

It is not difficult to explain Africa’s present state, which is like
a man desperately trying to walk up a down escalator without success.
This arises from the unequal terms of trade between the rich capitalist
and imperialist West – the US, Japan and the EU – and the neo-colonial
world. We have been bombarded in recent weeks with countless examples of
what this means for Africa.

Capitalism’s failure

HOW TO change this fundamental inequitable situation? Neither by a
wringing of hands nor by seeking to butter up capitalist statesmen,
which is, unfortunately, the method adopted by Bob Geldof and Bono. They
do not pose the very simple question: how can Brown, Blair, Bush and the
rest of them who defend neo-liberal capitalism in Britain, the US and
elsewhere, adopt a different approach to two-thirds of humankind in the
neo-colonial world?

To greet uncritically small, exceedingly small, recent promises of
increased debt relief for 18 countries in Africa is, perhaps
unwittingly, to act as a screen for these ruthless capitalist

The same governments which promise this aid, such as Blair’s, also
preside over a system which is stripping English-speaking sub-Saharan
Africa of its doctors and nurses. An estimated 60% of doctors trained in
Ghana in the 1980s have left. There are now more Ghanaian doctors in New
York then in Ghana itself. Ghana now has nine doctors for every 100,000
people and is overwhelmed by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Overseas staff makes up a substantial part of the medical workforce
of Britain – 31% of practising doctors and 13% of nurses were born
outside the UK – and the recent increase in the NHS workforce comes
mostly from outside the country.

Jeffrey Sachs, former neo-liberal guru and now repentant "friend
of the poor", recently said that debt relief proposals, like those
of the EU, are "weapons of mass salvation". They are nothing
of the kind. All the debt relief and aid together is like taking a
thimble to empty an ocean.

For instance, the agreement to lift the debts of the 18 countries
does not take account of the monumental amounts still owed to private
banks. Moreover, the unequal trade relationships remain unaffected. The
International Labour Organisation in 2004 pointed out that between 1985
and 2002, the poorest third of developing countries saw their share of
world trade fall by a quarter (3.6% to 2.7%), their share of world Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) more than halve from 4.5% to 2% and their share
of global Foreign Direct Investment collapse by over two-thirds from
3.3% to 1.1%.

The amount of money "laundered" through the capitalist
world’s financial system "reached stratospheric levels, trillions
rather than billions [of dollars]". [The Observer.] The
International Monetary Fund has said that this figure has now approached
the $2 trillion mark.

Taken together with the cost of fighting this money laundering, the
total amount swallowed up by this crooked enterprise reaches $2.5
trillion, approaching 10% of the world’s GDP! There is no way we can
begin to eradicate this gangsterism without nationalising the banks and
finance houses and establishing a state monopoly of trade.

Absurd system

THIS IS "modern" capitalism, which Tony Blair and George
Bush offer to the world as a model. They may "regret" some
features of this system, which produces poverty but they defend it lock,
stock and barrel, by force if necessary. The Iraq invasion, for
instance, was for Iraq’s oil resources but an important part of this was
the mass privatisation of Iraq’s state assets, including, of course, the
lucrative oil production facilities.

The same programme has been pursued in Eastern Europe, where the
establishment of "democracy" has gone hand in hand with the
robbery of state assets through privatisation. In Serbia, for instance,
a mass sell-off of state concerns is under way, which will enormously
aggravate the almost 20% unemployment in this country.

These policies are not pursued for purely "ideological"
reasons but are an intrinsic aspect of capitalism. This is a system
based upon the production of profit, which is the unpaid labour of the
working class. Working people only receive a proportion of the value of
what they produce in the form of wages, while the rest is cornered by
"rent, interest and profit".

The capitalist system can keep going while the surplus is invested
back into production but a time arises when the working class can no
longer buy back the goods they produce. The result of this is the
appearance of either a glut of goods, or "excess capacity",
industry that lays idle and cannot be used.

This is not because there is not a need for the goods that industry
can produce but because it does not pay the capitalist to do so. This
produces the "absurdity" that there is actually a world
surplus of food and yet 800 million people go to bed hungry each night.

But it is not "absurd" from the viewpoint of the
capitalists, who are not motivated by humanitarian concerns, but purely
for profit. During the 1980s Ethiopian famine for instance, food was
still exported by the landlords while millions starved, because they
could make a profit.

The same naked cash calculation is the ultimate motive for Bush,
reflecting the interests of the American capitalists, for not signing up
to Kyoto. Larry Elliott, writing in The Guardian, has commented that
this is like a man lying in a bath with the hot tap running. This
generates so much steam that he doesn’t know what to do and therefore is
in danger of being seriously scalded.

If this was just Bush and the elite that he represents, few tears
would be shed. But it is the whole of the world and future generations
who will suffer for this criminal neglect of the warnings, which are now
scientifically proved, about global warming.

Even if just China and India continue to grow at their present rate,
they could be amongst the major polluters on the planet. China’s
foremost environmentalist has starkly warned that if China wishes to
achieve US living standards – implying a further massive development of
industry – it would require the resources of four worlds!

And yet, why should the Chinese, or the Indian masses for that
matter, one third of humankind between them, accept their present
pitiful existence?

However, on the basis of capitalism, a stark choice appears to be
before the world, particularly the "poor world": accept the
current inequalities, the domination of capitalism and imperialism over
Asia, Africa and Latin America, or face the environmental destruction of
the planet.

But this is a false choice. Presently, agriculture equals
backwardness and low living standards. "Industry" represents
advanced society and higher living standards. But that is on the basis
of capitalism.

Unplanned capitalism

A DEMOCRATIC socialist planned economy could allow sustainable growth
and a division of labour on a national, regional and continental, as
well as on a world scale. This would not necessarily mean that each
country would tread in the footsteps of the industrialised world, of
laboriously building up industry and replicating everything that the
"First World" has established.

It would mean the establishment of a fair division of labour between
industry, agriculture, services, etc, on a world scale, to the mutual
benefit of all the peoples of the world, which is only possible if the
500 companies which dominate world production are taken over.

This would mean, of course, the planning of the resources of the
world. "Impossible," state the defenders of capitalism. What
you will have is a command and bureaucratic economy, like the
discredited system which collapsed with the Berlin Wall in Eastern
Europe and the former Soviet Union. On the contrary, the present and
future generations will not accept such a regime nor is that our model.

Some argue why cannot the present system be planned? Capitalism is an
inherently unplanned society where the "hidden hand" of the
market rules. The capitalists produce their goods and throw them blindly
onto the market in the expectation that most of them will be bought. But
in the event of a crisis or recession this doesn’t happen and not all of
the goods are bought.

Socialism would be entirely different. Karl Marx, the great
co-founder with Friedrich Engels of scientific socialism, compared the
first stages of a socialist society with what exists under the
capitalists in a single factory or today in a large company.

There is a degree of planning, including in the great transnational
corporations today. If there is a surplus of one component or a
scarcity, then it is an administrative decision within a factory or a
company to move resources so there is "equilibrium". In this
way, a certain harmony in production is established, which ends once the
goods are thrown onto the market.

There, anarchy and chaos reign. If there is a "surplus" and
goods cannot be sold "equilibrium" is ultimately established
by the closure of some industries, the eviction of workers from the
factories, and in time, "in theory" at least, their absorption
back into "growth industries".

Capitalism is also an inefficient and wasteful system. This is
particularly the case under the present phase of venal and aggressive
imperialism, signified by the US’s attempt to militarily dominate –
"full spectrum dominance" – and control the world and its

Imagine what would be possible if the wasteful expenditure of
capitalism was utilised for useful production for the benefit of all.
$400 billion a year is spent by the US alone for "defence",
and over $1 trillion globally. Look at the colossal waste on

At the same time, the talents and resources of working people would
be fully and democratically harnessed, through the involvement in
management at every level of a democratic socialist plan of production.

Untapped talents

AT THE moment, the creative talents of ordinary working people are
not tapped: "More than half of all workers do not feel encouraged
to be creative or put forward ideas to managers". [Vodafone poll,
reported in the Daily Mirror, 6 June 2005.] 70% of workers in this poll
felt that "their brainwaves were unrewarded" and 24%
"never even bothered to tell anyone about their ideas".

One of the reasons for this is that suggestions to increase
efficiency and thereby boost productivity, under capitalism can result
in workers being sacked. Why, therefore, should working people cut their
own throats by helping the bosses to boost profitability by emptying
them out of the factories?

Also, the idea that workers are "too selfish" and
uneducated to run and control industry is fallacious. An example of this
selfishness is, allegedly, the refusal of the French workers to work an
extra "solidarity day" to help the elderly in France, some of
whom had died in the heat wave of 2003.

The French workers refused to do this, not because they were
"selfish" or didn’t sympathise with the elderly, but because
it was a cynical ploy by the Raffarin government, which asked for
"sacrifice" but was also attacking both pensions, and thereby
the old, and also the 35-hour week.

On the basis of a democratic planned economy, with ownership in the
hands of the majority instead of a handful of capitalist parasites, the
working class would respond. In Russia, after they had taken power in
1917, the Russian workers voluntarily gave up whole days,
"subbotniks" (Red Saturdays). The same was shown in the early
part of the Cuban Revolution, where the masses gave up their free time
to harvest sugar cane at critical stages in the revolution following

However, a world socialist confederation, operating on the basis of
democratic control, would open up undreamed-of possibilities, benefiting
all areas of the world from the impoverished to the more advanced. All
boats would rise on a world socialist wave!

On the basis of democratic socialism the working class, particularly
the new generation, would respond similarly to a call for sacrifice and
solidarity, particularly to aid the poor and downtrodden.