Waltham Forest’s ‘join’ week of action success

Sarah Wrack, Waltham Forest Socialist Party

Waltham Forest Socialist Party’s recruitment week of action was a great success.

It kicked off with two campaign stalls in different areas of the east London borough which boldly appealed for people angry at cuts, crisis and capitalism to consider joining the Socialist Party.

We used megaphones to explain what the Socialist Party stands for and had loads of people coming over to discuss.

17 copies of the Socialist were sold and ten people gave their details to find out more about joining.

The following day we visited addresses of people who had previously given their details and one person agreed to join.

For the rest of the week we did similar activity at train stations around the borough and at Whipps Cross hospital where we’ve been involved in a campaign against cuts.

On all the activity we were giving out leaflets for a meeting to explain why people should join, as well as for Socialism 2013.

Five new people came to the meeting, and several others weren’t able to make it but planned to come to Socialism 2013.

At the meeting Helen Pattison, one of the London regional organisers of the Socialist Party, asked us to explain what it was that first got us angry and want to get involved.

We had a great discussion, covering wide-ranging topics from the campaign at Whipps Cross to the nationalisation of the banks.

We ended the week with details of 15 new people, one person agreed to join, and with some good ideas for the future, such as making the bold recruitment stalls a regular thing.