A picket of the Iranian embassy on 1 May 2015 demanding the release of political prisoners

A picket of the Iranian embassy on 1 May 2015 demanding the release of political prisoners   (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)

On 1 May the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) and the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers organised a picket of the Iranian embassy to highlight the plights of labour activists and political prisoners.

The picket was attended by over 30 people. We heard from Shiva Mahbobi of the CFPPI and former political prisoner herself, Hassan from the Iranian Solidarity Campaign, Paul Heron from the Socialist Party and renowned human rights activist Peter Tatchell. Four police came on motorbikes, followed by three vans of riot police. All those who attended felt inspired to carry on with the struggle and to ensure that the plight of labour activists in prison will not be silenced.