Kevin Maguire’s mistaken comparison

Kevin Maguire’s mistaken comparison

A letter sent to the Mirror:

I share Kevin Maguire’s revulsion at South Tyneside council’s threat to lop off £5,000 of the pay of nursery nurses, particularly as the fat cats continue to pile up fabulous wealth.

However the comparison with Militant and Liverpool is misplaced. Issuing letters of intent to our workforce was designed to put pressure on the government. Unlike the councils Kinnock supported when he did the dirty work of the then Thatcher government, we did not make a single worker redundant. In fact there were more workers employed in Liverpool when we were removed by Thatcher’s district auditor than when we were elected. The only thing that was ‘grotesque’ was Lord Kinnock’s speech.

Tony Mulhearn, past President, Liverpool Labour Party