National Shop Stewards Network

Unite in action against austerity

Come to the 9 June conference

National Shop Stewards Network Sixth Annual Conference

Saturday 9 June, 11am-4pm,

Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ.

Book your place now!
[email protected]
  • All strike together to defend public sector pensions – like we did on N30! The public sector strike on 30 November against cuts in pay, working conditions and pensions shows what can be done. Workers are prepared to fight for their rights and to defend their hard-won conditions. The government is weak, a united battle can force them to retreat.
  • Defend national pay! The government’s latest plan is for regional pay in the civil service. This will mean workers in the poorest areas being forced to endure a lengthy pay freeze. If the government gets away with this, it will try to force pay cuts on all other workers.
  • Stop the Con-Dem cuts!
  • Defend the NHS!
  • Support the Remploy workers! The government is using spurious arguments to close what could be financially successful factories, where disabled workers can contribute to society and be part of the trade union movement. Hear how these closures are being fought and how you can get involved.
  • Find out how the Sparks beat the Besna attacks! Through a long campaign of action, ultimately getting the trade unions officially involved, the big construction companies’ attacks on pay and conditions were stopped. There are important lessons for every trade union activist to learn from this struggle, which scored a victory in difficult circumstances.
  • Workers fight back in the private sector – Unilever… Stagecoach… oil tanker drivers… MMP… Hear speakers from these disputes and learn from their experiences

Working together makes us strong

“Communication between members of different unions is very important, particularly in view of the government’s divide and rule tactics. Look at the magnificent show of workers’ unity on 30 November.

With activists in different trade unions working together, the stronger we can organise and fight the austerity measures condemning people to poverty. Unity and solidarity is the only way to defeat these measures.

As a relatively new Unison shop steward, I have been supported by a more experienced Unite rep. She has shared regular updates from Unite on the pensions issue with me. In turn she has also seen the problems faced in a less militant branch!

Due to the complete blackout of information from Unison, this communication has been crucial.

It has kept Unison members informed and aware of both the government’s and union leadership’s lack of action and the continued activity of the members of other unions who have refused to give up the fight to defend their rights and conditions at work.

We urge everybody to think seriously about joining a union and then put the pressure on trade union leaders to do more.”

Helen, Unison shop steward and Kerry, Unite shop steward