Youth Fight for Jobs in action! Coming events

March for a future!

Saturday 6 October, 1.30pm

Commemorating Outdoor Relief Strike

Rally at Custom House Square, march through the Shankill and Falls, Belfast – Northern Ireland

In October 1932, thousands of outdoor relief workers in Belfast went on strike to fight for their dignity. Mass protests and rallies united Catholic and Protestant workers in the face of violence from bigots and the state. After two weeks of struggle, they won significant concessions.

Youth Fight for Jobs has called this march from Custom House Square, where the rally that announced the strike was held, through the Shankill and Falls, the heartlands of the struggle, and ending with a rally at City Hall.

We want to commemorate the heroic struggle of 1932 and to send a message to the politicians and bosses that we will fight back too!

The march date has changed so not to clash with parades on 29 September.

Youth Fight for Jobs fortnight of action

13-28 October
Contact [email protected] for activities in your area


March for Jobs and Public Services
Stirling to Glasgow STUC demo

17-20 October

Organised by Youth Fight for Jobs Scotland and the PCS Young Members


[email protected]