Kilroy’s brief encounter (part four)

    JUMPING BEFORE he was pushed, former Labour MP (and second-rate chat show
    host) Robert Kilroy-Silk has quit the UK Independence Party (UKIP) after
    months of bitter feuding.

    Jim Horton

    Kilroy-Silk’s brief affair with UKIP began amicably enough as he profiled
    their success in the European elections last June. However, celebration turned
    to acrimony as Kilroy-Silk, seeking reward for rescuing UKIP from obscurity,
    challenged Roger Knapman, a former Tory Party member, for leader.

    Frustrated by his failure to convince UKIP’s membership of his credentials
    he has now rubbished UKIP as a "joke" and declared he was ashamed to have
    joined the party. Kilroy-Silk has mooted the possibility of establishing a new
    party, incredibly named ‘Veritas’, Latin for truth.

    In October, depicting himself as a moderate, he resigned from UKIP’s
    European parliamentary group accusing them of being engaged in "barmy
    politics" after they joined the same political grouping in the European
    parliament as the League of Polish Families, which has been condemned as
    racist and anti-semitic.

    UKIP has been described as "the BNP in blazers". UKIP’s more genteel image
    cannot obscure their racist policies that seek to blame immigrants for social
    problems that arise from the capitalist profit system.

    But Kilroy-Silk, who chauvinistically branded Arabs as "limb amputators"
    and reportedly made xenophobic comments about asylum seekers and Irish people,
    has no political differences with UKIP. A leaked copy of Kilroy-Silk’s
    proposed manifesto and statement of aims apparently bears a striking
    resemblance to UKIP’s own policies.

    Kilroy-Silk’s motives are deeply rooted in vanity and personal ambition.
    But underlying the UKIP spat were real differences over whether UKIP should
    maintain its character as a pressure group appealing to Eurosceptic Tories or,
    as Kilroy-Silk wanted, replace the Tory Party with a wide-ranging programme
    that panders to nationalism and racism.

    UKIP’s difficulties have given a temporary respite to the desperate Tories
    who are now seeking to capture the ground lost to UKIP on the issues of
    immigration and Europe.