Venezuela: Stop the repression of trade unionists

Venezuela: Stop the repression of trade unionists

THE FOLLOWING solidarity appeal calls for the immediate recognition
of the SUPROFRAD union in the RACE pharmaceutical company plant, and for
the re-admission of all those workers made redundant by management.

"WE, the workers in the medicine company RACE, appeal to all workers
and the public, as well as other trade unions and popular organisations,
to denounce the union busting and anti-worker policies of the management
of the RACE company is using against its workers.

The medical company RACE is one of the most important distributors of
medicines in the Venezuela. It accounts for 5% of the national market,
and is the owner of Farma Plus, a franchise of pharmacies.

The company has responded to the constitutional right of workers to
organise themselves with the dismissal of three members of the joint
leadership of SUPROFARD, our recognised trade union.

On 4 November, Johnny Coronil and Danny Santos were sacked. They will
join the general secretary of the trade union, SUPROFARD, who was
dismissed by the company in May 2005, for demanding his rights.

The RACE management has set up a ‘yellow union’ that represents
nobody and whose sole objective is to divide workers and to hinder the
genuine organisation of workers. The company is threatening its
workforce with new redundancies.

We appeal for national and international support.

With dignity, confidence and resistance, we will win."

The joint leadership of SUPROFARD union

Send messages and resolutions to the RACE company and to the Ministry
of Labour demanding:

  • The immediate readmission of Andry Key, Johnny Coronil and Danny
  • Immediate recognition of the trade union SUPROFRAD
  • Immediate intervention by the labour inspection department of the
    Labour ministry, with the aim of guaranteeing the rights of the RACE
    workers, and to take action against the repressive measures of the

Send protest letters to:

The company: [email protected] and

[email protected]

Send copies to: [email protected] and [email protected]