Stop top-up fees Action Day

Tuesday 27th January (to be confirmed)

A Guide to Action

  • Get pledge forms signed by students in your school or
    college to take part in the action day.

  • Give out leaflets to let people know what is happening.

  • Try to organise a meeting at lunchtime, before or after
    school or college of anyone who wants to help organise the action.

  • Hold ballots at your school or college asking students what
    they think of top-up fees and what they want to do on the day.

  • Maybe try and link up with other local schools and colleges
    to help build for the day.

  • Maybe organise a lobby of your local MP to demand they vote
    against top-up fees. Petitions signed against top-up fees and results from
    ballots could be handed in. Contact the local press to ask if they will cover
    your protest.

  • Approach the teaching and other staff trade unions in your
    school or college for support. Most teachers, lecturers and other staff are
    members of trade unions. Ask for the union representative and let them know
    what you want to do and ask for support. Many of them would not be teaching if
    they hadn’t had the chance to go to university!

  • Get as much support as possible from your parents.

Defend the right to organise, strike and protest.

  • If you are being told you are not allowed to put up
    posters, leaflet etc don’t be put off. Contact ISR for help and campaigning
    advice. Petitions demanding the right to organise could be sent around the

  • On the day of action consider organising morning or
    lunchtime protests in your local town centre to try and bring together other
    schools and colleges that are taking strike and/or protest action. In London
    many will be going to Parliament.

  • If you would like advice and/or ideas for organising
    strikes and protests please contact ISR: 
    email: [email protected] 
    Tel: 020 8558 7947.

Join ISR in our campaign to:

  • Scrap tuition fees – no to top-up fees

  • Introduce a living grant for all students from the age of

  • For the right to a free quality education, job and training
    for all.