Building for a socialist world

    A SOCIALIST World is Possible is a new book by Peter Taaffe (Socialist
    Party general secretary), to mark 30 years since the founding of the
    Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI).
     THOMAS HOUSE reviews this important contribution to the building
    of a genuine socialist international organisation.

    The book contains two main sections. The first of these deals with the
    tasks currently facing socialists, and draws a distinction between the
    outlook and approach of the CWI and other groups that claim to be
    Trotskyist. The second deals with key events in the CWI’s history, based
    on a speech made by Peter Taaffe in 1997 and containing reports from some
    of the 36 countries in which the CWI organises.

    "The world political situation is chiefly characterised by a historical
    crisis in the leadership of the proletariat [working class]." So wrote
    Trotsky in 1938, at the start of a document widely known as the
    "Transitional Programme" that he circulated amongst the few genuine
    socialists of the time in preparation for the political tasks ahead of

    It was clear at that point that another major war was likely to break
    out but also that this terrible situation could have been avoided were it
    not for the treacherous role played by the leadership of the mass Social
    Democratic and Stalinist ‘Communist’ parties of the time.

    Recognising the bankruptcy of these organisations, Trotsky and his
    co-thinkers saw the need for a new worldwide, socialist organisation based
    on the revolutionary potential of the working class – a Fourth

    Economic downturn

    The long period of post-war economic growth, together with the weakness
    of the Fourth International’s leadership, meant that, after Trotsky’s
    death, the Fourth International was not able to establish itself as a mass
    force in working-class politics. Yet capitalism was unable to keep making
    progress due to its inherent weakness as an economic system.

    The mid-1970s, for many marked the end of the era of Keynesian
    economics (where governments attempt to avoid recessions and boost the
    economy by injecting extra public spending), with a downturn in the world
    economy. This coincided with US imperialism’s defeat in the Vietnam war,
    and a revolutionary situation in Portugal.

    In 1974, a group of British Marxists around Militant (forerunner to the
    Socialist Party), together with their comrades from eleven other
    countries, founded the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI).

    When the capitalists abandoned Keynsianism, they reworked classical
    (liberal) capitalist economic policies that are today usually called
    "neo-liberal". These meant attacks on workers’ pay and conditions,
    privatisation of everything possible and the dismantling of the welfare

    In the course of fighting these attacks, mass struggles of workers and
    young people developed, with active involvement from the CWI and, in some
    cases – particularly in Britain – the CWI playing a decisive or leading
    role. Some of these workers and youth drew socialist conclusions and
    joined the CWI, making Militant at one point one of the largest Trotskyist
    organisations in the world.

    Collapse of Stalinism

    The ruling class nevertheless scored a significant victory in the late
    1980s and early 1990s when the Stalinist regimes of Russia and Eastern
    Europe collapsed and established capitalism, rather than genuine socialism
    based on the democratic control of society by the working class.

    This led to a long period of capitalist triumphalism, with socialism
    being falsely equated with Stalinism and the ‘superiority’ of the market
    was trumpeted at every opportunity in the capitalist media. At the same
    time, the old workers’ parties like the Labour Party in the UK swung
    violently to the right, robbing the working class of serious political

    However, the contradictions, inefficiencies and injustices of
    capitalism are again coming to the surface and will be reflected in the
    struggles of the working class and amongst young people. The relatively
    low levels of militancy of the 1990s in some areas in no way imply that
    the working class is no longer the main agent of social change or that
    socialist ideas will always be unpopular.

    The first part of Peter’s book is an excellent response to the
    Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) and other socialist groups which have
    succumbed to political opportunism.

    This opportunism includes burying socialist ideas in order to promote
    broad formations and jettisoning the need for revolutionary parties and a
    revolutionary international.


    It is essential to learn the lessons of previous international
    organisations. The First International founded by Marx and Engels was
    ideologically divided and short-lived, but nevertheless set the precedent
    for the international organisation of the working class.

    The Second International was founded by Engels but eventually fell prey
    to reformism and, with the outbreak of World War One, most of its leaders
    capitulated to imperialism. Blair’s New Labour still has links to this
    degenerated Second International.

    After the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917 in the Soviet Union they
    created the Third or "Communist" International, which quickly became a
    mass socialist force. But by the mid-1920s it had become a tool of Stalin
    and the Russian bureaucracy and ceased to play a revolutionary role. The
    working class must learn from these failures when it creates new parties
    for political struggle.

    In almost every country where the CWI is active, we argue for the
    building of new mass workers’ parties with a broadly socialist programme.

    We believe that a socialist world is possible and a revolutionary
    socialist international is necessary to achieve it. CWI members should buy
    and read Peter Taaffe’s important book and, if you’re not already a
    member, join the CWI and help us fight to change society!