
    A FEW years ago to be “Folletted” meant to be groomed for success in the modernised New Labour Party. Central to this was the role of Labour’s Golden Couple Ken and Barbara Follett.

    Now these ‘groomers’ no longer like the dishevelled, flea-ridden mannequin they have created. While the capitalist media gets into a spin about Labour’s “crisis of spin” there are a number of points which stand out.

    Leave aside all the froth about government spin doctor “rent boys” and what clearly emerges is this government is getting deeper into crisis and has little to offer to climb its way out. The reason is not purely the government’s spin machine, which worked adequately for Labour when in opposition and while people were prepared to give it time to change things after 18 years of Tory attacks. But now even New Labour’s ‘friends’ see this government offers nothing different to the Tories. And New Labour are now becoming so unpopular across the board.

    The essence of New Labour is that it cracks down on everything but big business and spews out deranged knee-jerk ideas dressed up as serious policies. Even if the government got rid of most of its spin doctors tomorrow it won’t provide one new hospital, one new teacher or increase the minimum wage.

    The danger is that Labour’s unpopularity risks making the Tories seem almost palatable. Working-class people don’t like either option.

    Instead we need a new mass working-class party to fight for socialist policies which will end the injustices and inequalities of the capitalist system New Labour loves so much.