Support grows for new coalition
HUNDREDS OF declarations of support have been received for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (Tusc) election challenge to New Labour.
Serving on the coalition steering committee, in a personal capacity, are, among others, Bob Crow, general secretary of the RMT transport workers’ union, Brian Caton, general secretary of the Prison Officers Association (POA), and Chris Baugh, assistant general secretary of the PCS civil service union.
The coalition’s stand, for a working class alternative to the pro-cuts agenda of the capitalist parties, is receiving enthusiastic support from fighting trade unionists.
To add your name as a sponsor of the Tusc, in a personal capacity, either return the slip below to Tusc, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP or email: [email protected]
Some of the initial sponsors, all in a personal capacity:
Richard Howard
Secretary, RMT Wessex regional council & Portsmouth RMT
Nina Franklin
National Union of Teachers (NUT) senior vice-president elect
Hannah Walter
Unison National Executive Committee (NEC)
Vicky Perrin
Unison NEC
Adrian O’Malley
Unison Health Service Group executive
Bernard Roome
Communications Workers Union (CWU) NEC
Gary Jones
Katrine Williams
PCS DWP Group Vice President
Tony Church
Vice chair, PCS DWP Leicestershire general branch
Brian Smith
Secretary, Glasgow City Unison
Jon Woods
Chair, Portsmouth City Unison
David Read
Secretary, Unison Manweb branch
Paul Couchman
Secretary, Surrey County Unison
Martin Powell-Davies
Secretary, Lewisham NUT
David Plews
Vice president, Lewisham NUT
Ken Smith
Chairman, National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Wales
Suzanne Muna
Unison Tenant Services Authority branch secretary
John Reid
RMT rep, Edgware Group LU
Andrew Walton
Joint Unison convenor, Leicester Partnership Trust
Kevin Parslow
Secretary, Unite LE 1/1228 branch
Ian Prior
Bath & NE Somerset NUT committee
Patrick Gannon
Manchester Metro University Unison Equalities Officer
Terry Pearce
Chair, Bracknell Unite
Christian Bunke
Vice chair, Manchester NUJ
Doug Lowe
North Devon Unison Healthcare branch committee
Nick Parker
East Midlands PCS DWP Young members’ officer
Roger McKay
Treasurer, Ipswich NUT & president, Ipswich Trades Council
Andrew Price
Secretary, Cardiff Trades Council
Matthew Caygill
Leeds Metro University UCU rep
Gary Freeman
South Derby Unison health branch rep
Valerie Pearce
Bracknell Unite branch committee
Steve Gee
West Midlands PCS Learning & Skills branch committee
Kevin Pattison
West Yorkshire CWU branch committee
Andy Pryor
North Somerset NUT branch officer
Spyros Katsaris
HSBC Bank Unite workplace rep
Paul Hunt
Coventry Unison steward
Dan Gilman
Waltham Forest NUT rep
Steve Glennon
Secretary, Stevenage Trades Council
Derek McMillian
Vice President, West Sussex NUT