Donate to the Socialist Party
Big business funds the pro-capitalist parties, but unsurprisingly, not socialists who put forward a workers’ voice to challenge them. There is no party in Westminster defending the interests of working-class people.
The Socialist Party stands firm for socialist ideas – standing up against exploitative bosses, the Tories, and the Labour Blairites, and charting a way forward to build the maximum unity of the working class in struggle for socialist change.
To do this, the party needs to raise the necessary finance - to fund leaflets, posters, petitions, banners, placards, meeting room hire, etc, to get our socialist message out as widely as possible.
Every three months we aim to meet a £25,000 target for our Fighting Fund.
Our July-Sept 2024 campaign raised a fantastic £30,414 - thanks to all who donated!! Given that we had not long beaten our General Election appeal, this result is fantastic.
The deadline for this campaign is 31 December 2024.
Every pound given counts. We appeal to all our website readers to make a donation, whether large or small, to help towards the building of a socialist alternative.