Fascists Threaten Socialist Party Stall

NEAR THE end of Lincoln Socialist Party’s weekly campaign stall, one of our
members had his petition board knocked out of his hand by an individual
shouting that we "weren’t welcome".

This person came back minutes later and started using his mobile phone.
Within five minutes there were six fascists around our stall giving out verbal
abuse and threatening to "smash our faces in".

The group ‘leader’ claimed they belonged to the White National Party (WNP),
a break-off from the BNP. I recognised one of the fascists who had, two weeks
ago, physically attacked me at our stall. Then they were outnumbered and ran

This time one fascist was shouting BNP slogans, so while they claimed to be
WNP it’s likely that they were BNP members.

In response to this threat Lincoln branch are contacting all the trade
unions that our members belong to, plus the local Trades Council.

A campaign will be started to counter the fascist threat and make workers
aware of the fascists’ anti-working class actions.

Lincoln Socialist Party members say that the stall must go on, but with
security stepped up. In the words of the Spanish anti-fascists of the 1930s,
"No Pasaran!" (They shall not pass!).