Donate to the Socialist Party, photo (Creative Commons)

Donate to the Socialist Party, photo (Creative Commons)   (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)

We are appealing to all our members and supporters to help us make this year as big a success for the fighting fund as possible.

While Theresa May is fighting for her political life, forced to postpone the Brexit vote, the Gilets Jaunes in France are successfully pushing back against austerity.

It shows that mass action works, something that is not lost on workers and young people here who are signing our campaign petitions. We too need mass demonstrations to help drive out the Tories.

Socialist Party members are out campaigning in the town centres demanding that Jeremy Corbyn and the trade union leaders call demonstrations and mobilise the millions of workers in the trade union and labour movement to help finish May off and get rid of the Tories and Tory austerity.

At the same time our members are working tirelessly, collecting donations to make sure we start 2019 with the finances to get our message out to as wide an audience as possible.

Can you help? Every donation will help support the fight against all cuts and for a socialist alternative to austerity and Tory Brexit.

Ken Douglas national treasurer