One year on… where is the relief?

Sri Lanka: The tsunami legacy

One year on… where is the relief?

WORKING PEOPLE around the world gave generously in order to support
the victims of the 2004 tsunami – well before their respective
governments began to release their statements of sympathy.

Senan, CWI, London

Oxfam, for
example, raised more than £160 million of which more than 90% of the
donations came from ordinary people. Within one week, 35,000 people
logged into the website of CAFOD (Catholic Agencies for Overseas
Development) to donate money. More than £300 million was raised in the
UK alone.

Overall, $2.95 billion of relief was promised to Sri Lankan tsunami
victims. But still tsunami victims are on the streets begging. Where has
this money gone? Why have only just under 1,000 houses been built in Sri
Lanka out of more than 50,000 houses damaged by the wave? What happened
to more than 2,000 containers out of 5,000 that arrived at Sri Lankan
ports? This riddle is not a difficult one to solve.

Soon after the tsunami there were about 500 NGOs (Non-Governmental
Organisations) that landed in Sri Lanka. With their share of tsunami
money, each organisation claimed to be doing relief work. It is enough
to look at some NGOs’ operations to get an overall picture of what was
happening to the tsunami money and why the victims are still suffering.

They began work by buying brand new vehicles, mainly imported from
India. Not only did they have to pay large sums for these brand new
vehicles but also they had to pay import tax on them. For example Oxfam
paid more than one million rupees in import tax to the Sri Lankan

The administration costs of these NGOs sometimes exceed what is spent
on their aid work. For example, the cost of sending a bottle of water to
Sri Lanka exceeds the cost of a bottle of water itself.

The CCF (Christian Charity Fund) on the other hand has been giving
loans to certain chosen small businessmen and established middle class
people. In order to secure the repayment of the loan with interest they
chose their ‘customers’ from ‘reliable’ individuals and organisations,
and they were not always tsunami victims.

Citigroup, also operating in the country, has actively increased its
customer base among small businesses and wealthy individuals. Their
programmes of ‘microfinance’ and ‘microcredit’ are expanding at high

Many tsunami victims who have lost all their belongings will not
qualify for these loans which bear a market interest rate. Citigroup
published reports listing the number of farmers and fisherman who can
qualify for the loans, of which the majority are not tsunami victims but
locals with existing business interests.

The United Nations lists Citigroup along with the World Bank and
Deutsche Bank as an organisation that provides relief. However, it also
points out that: "Microcredit programmes are not always the answer. If
individuals lack the means to repay loans, they can be left in a
situation that is worse than before. For those lacking income or the
means to repay a loan, other types of assistance, such as grants,
employment, training programmes and shelter may be more suitable."

The United Nations (UN) has recently accepted George Bush’s
appointment of former US presidents, Bill Clinton and Bush senior, as
Tsunami envoys. Immediately after the appointment, Clinton started to
employ his former colleagues. To the horror of UN secretary general Kofi
Annan, Clinton has started to create his own power base in the United

Ditched promises

In total, out of the allocation of $2.95 billion, funds from NGOs
stand at about $853 million. So what happened to the rest of the pledge?

In the UK, the Disaster Emergencies Committee (DEC) – an umbrella
group representing major charities – has raised about £300 million.
Prime minister, Tony Blair, promised the British public that his
government would match the generosity of the public. On a BBC radio
programme at the time, Blair boasted: "My estimate is that we will need
to spend from government funds several hundred million pounds. So we
will far and away more than match the generosity of the British people."

On 12 December 2005 The Times reported that the prime minister had
ditched his promise. There was a new government announcement that the
payment was only £250 million. On breaking down the figures, The Times
report also revealed that only £75 million of that actually went on
humanitarian relief efforts.

It is the same story with other so-called donor countries, provoking
Oxfam to publish a ‘name and shame’ table of countries that are failing
to meet their pledges. But not delivering their pledges is not stopping
these countries controlling and deciding where and when this tsunami
money is going. For example, the US withheld its funds from Sri Lanka
straight after a court in the country ruled against the government’s
P-TOMS (Post Tsunami Operational Management Structure) agreement with
the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam).

They also try to manipulate the fund-receiving countries to implement
neo-liberal capitalist policies and carry out privatisation. Millions of
workers donated this money unconditionally to better the victims’ lives.
Their generosity has been misused and their interests misrepresented by
their respective governments.

Part of the funds raised for tsunami victims in Sri Lanka have
reached the country but never got any further than the pockets of the
politicians and their cronies. The Sri Lankan executive director of
‘Transparency International’, J.C Weliamuna, announced publicly that:
"Tsunami funds have been used for party political purposes and new
houses given to people with political affiliations who were not affected
by the Tsunami."

The ruling United People’s Front Alliance (UPFA) government and its
some time ally, the Sinhala chauvinist JVP (People’s Liberation Front)
have been releasing relief only in those areas where they have political

The JVP wants to exclude the minority Tamils from tsunami
relief. The new president Mahinda Rajapaksa made a pact with the JVP
that they will not deliver tsunami relief to those victims who live in
the areas controlled by the LTTE.


The distribution of aid is the secret of their victory in the recent
presidential election. In Matara, in particular, in contrast to the very
close final result nationally, the UPFA candidate, supported by the JVP,
got nearly 62% of the votes and the opposition United National Party got
less than 37%.

In the election, the USP (United Socialist Party, CWI Sri
Lanka) came third in almost all the areas but Matara was an exception.
The USP came fourth there! In that district widespread corruption is
reported in the recent Sri Lankan Auditor General’s report. It is the
same story in Kalmunai and Tangalai in the Ampara district on the east

In Negombo, on the West coast, there were 600 victims of the tsunami
yet nearly 7.6 million rupees were distributed to 15,843 families! The
Auditor General’s report lists widespread mismanagement of tsunami funds
by the government and NGO authorities. It also points out that locally
raised money is in a fixed-rate deposit account of a handful of
organisations just accruing interest.

This is what is happening to the tsunami money. While tsunami money
is being played with in the hands of a few, the real victims are left
with the horror and devastation of the tsunami. More than 100,000 people
affected by the tsunami may have been able to drive the memories of the
big wave out of their brains, but they are still being tormented by the
tsunami of their corrupt government’s neglect of their needs and the
hypocrisy and economic exploitation of imperialism.

Organised international working class struggle is the only way to
fight such oppression on a mass scale.

Translation of article written in Tamil for the CWI website

Campaign Sri Lanka

‘Campaign Sri Lanka’ raised thousands of pounds internationally from
CWI sections, trade unions and individual supporters.

Some of this money
was used to directly assist the tsunami victims, e.g. providing school
books, bags, shoes, kitchen utensils, medical supplies and bicycles.

But the main role was to help to re-establish trade unions and to
assist the tsunami victims in their protests and struggles to get
justice from the government. Many see the corruption and hypocrisy of
capitalism and imperialism.

A number of issues of a special tsunami paper – Tsunami People’s
Voice – have been printed in both Sinhala and Tamil languages. Many
people have told CWI members in Sri Lanka (United Socialist Party) that
the CWI is the only organisation campaigning for them.