Afghanistan: Troops out!

Build a mass movement against war, poverty and terror

Anti-war demonstration Seotember 05, photo Alison Hill

Anti-war demonstration Seotember 05, photo Alison Hill   (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)

Eight years after the US-led invasion of Afghanistan, the situation is a nightmare. Far from moving towards peace and democracy the last few months have seen some of the bloodiest fighting in the conflict. The total number of British soldiers killed is now over 220. Less well-reported is the loss of Afghan life, estimated to include over 1,500 civilians for this year alone.

Even the head of the British army, General Sir David Richards, has admitted that the public is losing faith. Yet Gordon Brown is planning to increase British troops, already at 9,000, by another 500.

While never supporting the repressive Taliban, the Socialist Party has opposed the war from the start. It has not been fought for the benefit of ordinary Afghans, so many of whose blood has been spilt and who have paid such a high price. Neither is it in the interest of working-class people in Britain, who have paid for the war with the lives of the soldiers killed, with the £12 billion of public money that has been spent and with the increased threat of terrorism.

Instead it has been fought for the power and prestige of Western imperialism, particularly of the US, and for the profit of multinational companies.

  • Build a mass movement against the war! Bring the troops out immediately.
  • Stop the slaughter of civilians. Let the people of Afghanistan determine their own future.
  • For UK government spending on jobs and public services, not war and nuclear weapons.
  • For a massive reconstruction programme in Afghanistan under the control of the Afghan masses. For public ownership of the gas, oil, and other key industries.
  • For democratically organised, multi-ethnic workers’ defence forces in Afghanistan. For workers’ solidarity internationally.
  • For genuine democratic rights. No support for the corrupt Afghan government of Hamid Karzai; support mass struggle to remove his regime and other reactionary regimes in the Middle East, Asia and worldwide.
  • For a democratic, socialist government in Afghanistan of the working people and poor, as part of a socialist confederation of the South Asia region, including Pakistan.
  • No to all imperialist wars and occupations! For a socialist world without poverty, terror or war.
Anti-war demonstration Seotember 05, photo Alison Hill

Anti-war demonstration Seotember 05, photo Alison Hill   (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)


assemble 12 noon Saturday 24 October

Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London