Time for a new workers’ party

Socialist Party member Seth Cruse’s letter (below) appeared in the 2 January Folkestone Herald in response to a ‘disagreement’ between a Lib Dem councillor and the local Tory MP.

“Why is Lib Dem Lynne Beaumont using expenses etc as, in her words, ‘ammunition’ to attack Tory MP Damian Collins, instead of attacking his policies? Is it because both her party and Collins’ Tory party share them as a coalition? How could she argue against what her own party endorses?

Beaumont also states in the Folkestone Herald (19 December) that she puts her constituents first, yet it is her and Damian’s Con-Dem government’s actions that are damaging the community she claims to hold dear.

In reply to the question ‘Which of the possible candidates will you vote for?’ it won’t be Lynne or Damian, nor the Ukip candidate with damaging populist policies of no substance, and it won’t be the Labour Party who no longer represent trade unions or workers, or the Greens who support this government’s cuts.

I’m voting TUSC (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) who are standing a candidate for MP in the next general election. It’s time for a new workers’ party that will oppose all cuts.”