General Election 2005

Vote for a socialist alternative!

The Socialist Party is contesting sixteen seats across England and Wales.
Our Manifesto
Click here for details of some of our election campaigns

Analysis of the results of the 2005 election:

Time for new workers' party

Galloway election victory shocks Blair

Results: Socialist ideas adopted by new generation

Stormclouds gather over Labour's 3rd term

Blair’s last election

Coverntry Councillor Dave NellistBlair battered but what's the alternative?

Scotland - general election 2005

Wales: Discontent with the 'Blair project'

Northern Ireland elections: Polarisation widens

Coventry - the best campaign ever

(Pictured right, Coventry Councillor Dave Nellist)

Building a base in Lewisham

Big vote for socialism in Bolsover

Post Election results and analysis

Time for new workers' party

Galloway election victory shocks Blair

Results: Socialist ideas adopted by new generation

Stormclouds gather over Labour's 3rd term

Fight far-right parties

Analysis: Blair’s last election

Blair battered but what's the alternative?

Scotland - general election 2005

Wales: Discontent with the 'Blair project'

Northern Ireland elections: Polarisation widens

Coventry - the best campaign ever

Building a base in Lewisham

Big vote for socialism in Bolsover



Vote for a socialist alternative!

The Socialist Party is contesting upwards of fifteen seats across England and Wales in the general election of 2005.
They include:
Leicester West, Lewisham Deptford, Walthamstow, Wythenshawe and Sale East, Bootle, Newcastle East and Wallsend, Brighton Kemptown, Bristol North West, Swansea West, Cardiff South and Penarth, Coventry South, Coventry North East, Stoke-on-Trent Central, Sheffield Heeley and Wakefield.
Details of some of our election campaigns are listed below.
If you would like to know more, or would like to get active in our election campaigns why not contact us?



Birmingham Northfield

Louise Houldey"John Towers and the rest of the Phoenix Four are walking away with millions while workers are walking away with practically nothing.

This community will have its heart ripped out if Longbridge closes or becomes a small producer of 'niche' cars, yet New Labour has done nothing to save our plant. But we say this does not have to be the end.

Louise Houldey

Longbridge must be nationalised today. All workers must be reinstated and production restarted. The Phoenix Four's hidden millions, as well as the government's £150 million retraining safety net, must be invested in production."

THE SOCIALIST Party is standing a candidate in the general election to highlight the scandal of Rover's collapse and to call for the renationalisation of the company.

Louise Houldey, who has stood three times before in council elections in the Longbridge ward, will stand in the Birmingham Northfield constituency as a Socialist Alternative candidate.

Successive governments have pumped millions into Rover since privatisation but there has been a spiral of job losses over 16 years, with the profits and perks going to the bosses. Towers and Co. invested more in their own pension scheme than in 6,000 workers' pensions. The private sector has not kept Rover going, so we say renationalise, don't subsidise.

Put pressure on Blair

A vote for a Socialist Alternative candidate calling for nationalisation of the site and assets is one way to put pressure on Blair but the trade unions must also act now. 

Another demonstration like in 2000 should be called. Regular community-based meetings should be convened to keep workers who are locked out of the plant up to date with developments.

Dave Nellist, Socialist Party councillor in Coventry and former MP said: "Longbridge can be saved. It's not too late. But it's no good relying on the private sector, all they will be interested in would be the MG badge, not the thousands of Longbridge workers or those at suppliers.

"Hundreds of millions of pounds will be spent on regional aid, lost taxes, the payment of benefits, and other social costs associated with the collapse of the company. Far better for that money to be spent on keeping the industry alive. But the first step has to be renationalisation.

"And workers must stop the dismantling of the factory. Just as in the 1970s shipyard workers did in Scotland, and motorbike workers did in Meriden, workers at Longbridge should occupy the plant and demand that the government takes it over and guarantees their jobs."

  • Reopen Longbridge, reinstate all workers.
  • Nationalise the site and assets.
  • Freeze the Phoenix Four's accounts and open them to scrutiny by the trade unions.

Interview: Fighting the jobs massacre in Birmingham




Phil Clarke

The Socialist Party is standing Phil Clarke in Brighton Kemp Town constituency in the general election, opposing cuts, closures and privatisation of any sort.

Phil Clarke


Some campaigning issues

One of Brighton & Hove Socialist Party's main campaigns has been working with the local Defend Council Housing (DCH) group to defeat the council's privatisation plans for the 13,500 council homes in Brighton. We have been campaigning for the 'fourth option' - continued public ownership and increased direct investment from central government.

The council's privatisation plans are privatisation in two stages. Millions are wasted on setting up new offices, consultants and huge salaries for the top managers. The Ashfield ALMO cost £2 million to set up.

ALMOs undermine democratic control by binding the few tenants 'reps' on the board to corporate responsibility (putting the interests of the company over the interests of tenants) and ensuring that they are in a minority, allowing them to be outvoted at every turn.

After two years, the Westminster ALMO ran out of money and tenants were told that their estates would need to be sold off entirely to provide money for repairs. The Hillingdon ALMO sold off 500 empty homes without a ballot. The government knows that tenants won't accept outright privatisation so it softens them up with an ALMO.

Tenants won't accept outright privatisation

The Green Party published a statement saying that tenants had shown a 'clear preference for an ALMO'. I asked Green Party councillor Bill Randall how they'd determined that tenants favoured an ALMO - he told me it was from 'official council surveys'. According to the local government UNISON branch the response rate to this survey was so low as to make it statistically meaningless.

The Socialist Party has been petitioning door-to-door on the estates against housing privatisation and has attended and helped organise meetings where the issues are explained to tenants. Practically every tenant we have spoken to wants to remain with the council.

This shows how easily the Green Party have been sucked into the system. They couldn't think outside the three options put forward by the government and they endorsed the dubious methods by which the council collects information on 'tenants' preference'.

Thanks to the pressure of the campaign and the opposition of council tenants, the council have (along with the Greens) done a complete u-turn. They have agreed to send a letter to John Prescott demanding that the fourth option be made available.



Bristol North West

Graeme Jones"It's a scandal that MPs feather their nests while chopping our services.

We need ordinary people in Parliament, living on a workers' wage.

That's why I'm standing. Please support me."

Graeme Jones


Some campaigning issues:

Local bigwigs have generally praised the news that £500 million is to be spent "modernising" Bristol’s hospitals by 2012.

They’ve dressed up the announcements of Southmead’s loss of its 24-hour Casualty Unit and Frenchay’s downgrading to community hospital status by alleging patient care will be compromised otherwise.

Exposing the spin, the facts are:

  • By officially becoming a daytime-only Minor Injuries Unit, the 15,000 people who are rushed each year to Southmead with serious or extreme injuries will be shipped elsewhere instead. Lives will be lost.

  • 105 beds will be lost in the reorganisation of Southmead and Frenchay. Inevitably waiting lists will become longer.

  • The General Hospital will be closed.

  • Half of Frenchay’s land will be flogged off to private developers. Pressures on Southmead and the BRI will massively increase.

Why don’t the "experts" ever explain why an expanding population in north Bristol suddenly needs fewer casualty services and less beds than in the past?

Blair’s real health agenda is for large-scale privatisation. We’re gradually going down the US road, where doctors feel your wallet before your pulse. Meanwhile the private building sharks leech off of our NHS, building hospitals under the Private Finance Initiative at inflated costs and then charging us for years ahead!

Working people who have paid into the NHS all their lives are going to pay a terrible price if these Tory-style plans go ahead.

We say - the NHS belongs to us!

Keep Southmead and Frenchay fully open!



Coventry North East

Dave Nellist"We are standing to give voters a chance to elect candidates who will represent the millions not millionaires.

We believe that the New Labour party of Blair and Brown has deprived the working class of political representation, and we want to restore a workers’ voice in politics.

We believe MPs should earn the average wage of a skilled worker and we are standing to give voters a chance to elect representatives who will not profit personally from election."

Dave Nellist, former Labour MP and now leader of the Socialist Party group on Coventry city council




Coventry South

"Fed up?

This election is an opportunity to do something about it.

Join the thousands of others in Coventry who vote Socialist."

Rob Windsor, Socialist Party councillor 1999-2004


Some campaigning issues

The Socialist Party is growing and has a proud record already. A record of standing up and fighting for ordinary people.

This has already won us election to the council.

We have fought alongside people in their communities and workplaces.

 We’ve fought cuts in schools, in social services, in fire cover, closures of Post Offices, old people’s homes and local hospitals.

We have stood by workers in the fire service, local government, civil service, Jaguar, Peugot and elsewere.



Leicester West

Steve Score"In Leicester we have consistently campaigned against the cuts in services made by all three parties on Leicester City Council as well the privatisation of our schools and hospitals."

Steve Score

Some campaigning issues:

The Labour government, along with Leicester City Council, is planning to sell off our schools to private profiteers. All three main parties have supported these proposals. They are planning: -

  • New "City Academies", including one at New College on New Parks. Schools will be built mainly with taxpayers’ money, but with some money provided by private companies.

These companies will run the school as they wish, using taxpayers’ money! They will not be democratically accountable to local communities.

  • School buildings, owned by private companies and run for profit.

 The "Building Schools for the Future" project in Leicester will rebuild secondary schools yet our primary schools are crumbling.

Some money will come from "Private Finance Initiative" (PFI) i.e. privatisation, and some from the government.

Yet the scheme will cost the council much more - £350 million over 25 years. Around £4 million a year will have to come from school budgets, council cuts and council tax rises!

Remember the disasters after the railways were privatised?

Do we really want this in our schools? Profits and public services don't mix!

These latest schemes will not improve education in Leicester. Remember how the closure of 6 secondary schools was supposed to transform our kids' education? Now the council wants to close special schools as well.

We say put the money into education that is needed.

For properly funded state education.

No to privatisation!



Lewisham Deptford

Ian Page"As one of two Socialist Party councillors on Lewisham council, I have campaigned for many years to protect our public services, defend wages, jobs and decent pensions, and expose the big business policies of New Labour and all the establishment parties.

I will do the same as an MP."

Socialist Party councillor Ian Page

Some campaigning issues:

We face massive housing shortages and crippling rents and mortgages yet Labour plan a huge council housing sell-off.

Lewisham’s Labour council will only make future funds available for much needed improvements if council homes are transferred to PFI, housing association or ‘arms length company’ landlords. This means higher rents and smaller properties if homes are re-built.

We say: no sell-offs!

Force the government to give us the money for improvements and for building new homes.




Manchester: Wythenshawe and Sale East

Lynn Worthington"WOMEN ARE attacked by politicians for having abortions but they don't provide what is necessary to bring up children."

Lynn Worthington, Socialist Party general election candidate, Wythenshawe and Sale East

Lynn says: "In Wythenshawe nurseries and facilities for disabled children are being closed. In Trafford Park a neonatal intensive care unit is being shut.

Socialism would mean that the entire responsibility for bringing up children would not just fall on the shoulders of women and families, the backup would be there from society as a whole.

Women would be able to work if they wanted and spend time with their children. They would have a real choice which is impossible with the pressures and burdens of capitalism."




Merseyside Bootle

Pete Glover"I’m standing because working class people can’t afford the astronomical prices for homes and the Council wants to sell off the rest of our Council houses."

Peter Glover


Some campaigning issues

Sefton Council wants to transfer 12,400 council homes to a "registered social landlord". This comes on top of school closures, care home closures, community centre closure... Enough is enough! Time to stand and fight!

They’re promising tenants all sorts to try and get a majority to vote yes. Housing needs renovating now – but the transfer won’t deliver. That’s why we’re saying: Vote no: fight for public funding now! Don’t let the council make a Railtrack out of our homes!

We can win this fight. Toxic landfill plans for Bootle were defeated a few years ago by a community campaign, led by the Socialist Party.

Mass action made the council back off – we can do the same again! For top-class, publicly owned council housing! Fight for full funding to renovate our homes!

Vote NO to the housing transfer – vote YES to a Socialist Alternative!



Newcastle East and Wallsend

Bill Hopwood"The government and private companies are stealing our pensions, now and for the future. Everyone should have a decent pension after a life of work.

t is a scandal that MPs vote themselves a big pension increase while planning to cut our pensions and wanting us to work until we drop."

"If elected I will live on the average wage of skilled worker."

Bill Hopwood

Bill says:

Newcastle East has been a safe Labour seat and taken for granted. The MP, Nick Brown, made speeches claiming he opposed university top-up fees and then voted for them!

I have lived in the area for 20 years and have been involved in many campaigns including:

  • Successfully fighting plans for a new incinerator in Byker

  • Fighting the planned ALMO and proposals to demolish people's homes in the name of regeneration

  • Fought to get better pedestrian provision with road crossings etc

  • Part of the Public Services Alliance that campaigns to defend and improve public services

  • Organising anti-fascist leafleting of the area

  • Involved in Stop the War activities

  • Campaigning against top-up fees

I have stood in past council elections in Byker, coming second and third, with between 270 and 400 votes.

We all need public services - education, street cleaning, health, post offices, fire service, transport, etc. Yet, the government has run down and cut these services. They are increasingly handing them over to the private sector. Look what a mess privatisation made of the railways. The Socialist Party fully supports good quality public services that meet people's needs and are democratically controlled.

New Labour is now a party of big business. We need a new party that represents working class people, trade unionists, environmentalists and community campaigners. A party that stands up for the millions not for the millionaires.

The Socialist Party is the most active political group in the area. As well as all the activity in Byker, we stood in a candidate in a neighbouring ward gaining nearly 200 votes. We have worked with others to strengthen the left and locally have reached agreements with the Green Party (who are on the left of the party) to avoid a conflict of seats.

Bill Hopwood promises:

"As a socialist MP I would be a strong representative for local people, working with them and supporting their campaigns. I will continue to put the needs of people before profit."




Harvey DukeMembers of the Committee for a Workers International (CWI) in Scotland are standing as SSP candidates in six seats - which is 10% of the total number the SSP are contesting. 

These include two in Dundee, one in Glasgow and one in Edinburgh.

Harvey Duke, Candidate in Dundee along with Jim McFarlane

In Dundee the SSP, within which the CWI has a major influence, has run an energetic campaign of canvassing, leafleting and street stalls. Given the attacks by New Labour on pensions, public-sector workplaces in particular have been targeted.

Dundee Nursery nurses who were on strike for nine weeks last year took part in the public launch of the campaign pledging support for Jim McFarlane and Harvey Duke, the two CWI candidates.

We have also taken the campaign to multinationals like the Royal Bank of Scotland who are Scotland's biggest company making £7 billion last year. A campaign of press releases and public actions has meant that there has been regular press coverage for the campaign in the local media.

Standing for socialism in Scotland




Sheffield Heeley

Mark Donell"I’VE LIVED in Sheffield for ten years, teaching in special needs and science, and I am head of year. I got involved a year ago when I came across the Socialist Party campaigning in the city centre.

Mark Donell

If you believe in something you can either stand by and watch or you can get involved and I decided that I would do something."

Mark Donell says: Campaigning has been very exciting – at the moment there’s so much going on in terms of attacks on the working class, the attacks on pensions, the occupation of Iraq.

I felt that the people in the area I live in should have a candidate they could vote for who is going to represent their interests. The fascist BNP are also standing and I think that it’s important that the Socialist Party challenges them and puts forward a socialist alternative.

One of the largest employers in Sheffield is the civil service – I have many friends who are civil servants and are becoming politicised by the government attacks. Hopefully through the work of the Socialist Party we can put forward a strategy to defend their jobs, working conditions and pensions.

As a teacher, one thing that has made the job worthwhile, apart from the job itself, has been the fact that you could retire at 60 on a decent pension. I couldn’t see myself still teaching at 63, it is such a tiring job and the amount of work is massive. I start work at 7.30am, contacting parents; we have meetings after we finish teaching and I have to spend two hours every night marking and planning. As head of year, I have to deal with a lot of paperwork but I don’t have any clerical support.

Politicians are always slagging teachers off. Labour trumpeted "education, education, education" in 1997 but I know at my school that it is becoming almost impossible to recruit people in certain sectors. We advertised in a national newspaper for a maths teacher last year and we only had one applicant. We should be looking at ways not only to attract people into teaching but also to retain them. But what does Labour do? Attack teachers’ pensions!

We also have the situation in my school where three senior colleagues have been off for over six months with long-term stress leave. That is due to workload, lack of support and demoralisation from the constant attacks of the government.

Traditionally, working-class people have looked to the Labour Party for a political lead. Some of my friends have said, ‘well I’m not 100% happy with what Tony Blair is doing but give him a chance’. But I say he’s had his chance and the time is right for a truly working-class movement to take the place of the Labour Party."



Stoke Central

Jim Cessford"For twenty years I have been proud to fight alongside the people of Stoke-on-Trent in the communities and workplaces.

As a real Socialist MP I can be even more effective."

Jim Cessford


Some campaigning issues:

Stoke-on-Trent has one of the lowest life expectancy levels in Britain, so is it any wonder that working families are angry about New Labour's plans to increase and possibly even abolish the retirement age?

As Jim Cessford says, "For thousands here it really will mean working till you drop. A vote for the Socialist Party is a vote for a living state pension linked to earnings and a reduction in the retirement age."




Swansea West

Rob Williams"We've been the main party campaigning against the health crisis in Wales.

Rob Williams

Swansea has the biggest waiting list in Wales and Wales has got the longest waiting lists in Britain.

So it's important for us to campaign for decent health facilities and against the privatisation and cuts which are undermining the health service.

We've campaigned over the past two years about the maternity unit in Neath and Port Talbot hospital and the downgrading of casualty at Singleton in Swansea."





Mick Griffiths"We have collected over 35,000 signatures calling for a publicly funded health scheme.

Private finance is the mortgaging off of future generation’s health services for decades to come."

Mick Griffiths


Some campaigning issues

In Britain there is little difference between the three main parties. All of them do the bidding of big business at the expense of the hard working majority…

The BNP claims to offer a solution but it has no alternative.

Where BNP councillors have been elected they have voted for cuts and privatisation – just like the main three parties.

And they showed their true colours during the miners strike and the fire fighters’ dispute, by organising strike-breakers and calling for public sector strikes to be made illegal.





Nancy Taaffe"You have a chance to vote for real change in this election.

But don’t just vote – get involved and campaign with us."

Nancy Taaffe

Some campaigning issues

In 2004 Nancy organised a march along the High Street to link up community groups and trade unions against the exorbitant level of council tax.

She marched with local people against the disgraceful closure of our local cinema.

In 2002 Nancy helped build for strike action against council cuts in our library services.

She publicised the fact that whilst the council was cutting staff, it paid a string of consultants inflated salaries to come in and leech off the public purse.

For more on this campaign see also Fight for a better future

Nancy 'woos' voters with socialism

A socialist alternative for women

AS THE general election campaign gets under way, the established parties are pushing forward policies aimed at winning women's votes.

Jane James explains why these policies offer no solution and outlines the Socialist Party's alternative for women.

More ...

Fight for a better future

Nancy TaaffeNANCY TAAFFE is a part-time library assistant and member of UNISON.
She campaigned in favour of strike action against New Labour's attacks on pensions.


Socialist Party election campaign launched

LAST WEEKEND the Socialist Green Unity Coalition officially launched its general election campaign.
The coalition is an electoral agreement between different socialist organisations to make sure we maximise the potential socialist vote in the coming election.

More ...

Click here for details of some of our election campaigns

If you would like to help our campaigns in any of these seats, 'phone Hannah on 020 8988 8767

Manifesto for socialism

for the millions, not the millionaires

no cuts! no privatisations!

£1.50 including postage

Buy online

Available from Socialist Books, PO Box 24697, London, E11 1YD

Socialist Green Unity Coalition

Press release: 23 February, 2004

Contact: Hannah Sell: 020 8988 8777

Socialist / Green general election challenge launched

On Saturday 26 February, at 1.45 pm at the University of London Union, a coalition of socialist organisations and trade unionists will be coming together to launch a joint campaign against Blair in the looming general election.

More ...

Elections 2004: A Shadow Over Blair 

European elections: 'Kicked In The Ballot Box'

CWI election campaign 2004

Council elections 2004

Our manifesto: What Is Socialism website

Victory! Lewisham By-election 4 December 2003

News and analysis of the May 2003 Council Election results 2003

Election Results 2002

Election Results 2001

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