Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Socialist issue 970

8 November 2017

'Paradise' for billionaires, austerity for us

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The Socialist issue 970

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What we think

spot‘Paradise’ for billionaires – austerity for us

Fight for socialism! The Paradise Papers have reignited working class anger at massive inequality under capitalism

Paradise Papers, photo by Steve Leverett/CC

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotWestminster sexual harassment scandal

Rotten establishment must go: Revelations could still trigger the collapse of this weak Tory government – and as we predicted, they affect all the major parties

spotWalk out against tuition fees!

Budget day education shutdown: The Autumn Statement is fast approaching, and Socialist Students is preparing for walkouts against tuition fees

spotBosses say 217 years to close pay gap – workers’ struggle can close it now!

This is the first time figures have shown the situation is going backwards

spotWe can win the vote at 16!

16 and 17-year-olds will remember the Tories blocked their democratic rights

spotChild poverty set to hit 5.2m – unions and Corbyn must act now

Welfare cuts are set to make child poverty soar over the next five years to 5.2 million kids

spotPFI privateers dodge tax

spotWhat we saw

Jo Brand silences Ian Hislop’s sniggering sexism; Trump’s Twitter shutdown; Trump Jr’s ‘socialist’ Halloween

Workplace news and analysis

spotPay cap decisively rejected by PCS union members

Members of civil servants’ union PCS have delivered a stinging rejection of Tory pay restraint, and shown they are willing to take action against it

spotBA mixed-fleet workers show strikes get results

The heroic mixed-fleet cabin crew at Heathrow and Manchester airports have finally forced a settlement from British Airways

spotUnite union sector conferences: coordinate action over pay

Unite should join the PCS union in calling for the Trade Union Congress to coordinate strike ballots

spotPicturehouse strike: “evil corporations are evil”

The dispute has now lasted over a year

spotArriva bus strike still solid

Arriva bus drivers and engineers in Runcorn were out in force for their fourth one-day strike

International socialist news and analysis

spotUS: Minneapolis Socialist chimes with voters

Ginger’s slogan of “not for sale” has drawn in many volunteers and donors from Minneapolis

spotIreland: rail workers demand share of ‘recovery’

spotIreland: dangerous ideas for the ruling class

spotSpain: Madrid rally celebrates October revolution

250 workers and youth attended a vibrant rally to celebrate the centenary of the October Russian revolution in Madrid

spotSweden: ‘Revolution2017’ success

Revolution2017 took place in Stockholm on 4 November and was a great celebration of the Russian revolution linking up to today’s class struggles

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotHealth campaign discusses strategy to save NHS

Over 400 health campaigners and trade unionists attended Health Campaigns Together’s conference on 4 November – more than double its last conference

spotChatsworth neuro-rehab ward still open – unions join the campaign

In July, Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust announced this Mansfield Community Hospital ward would close in early November. It didn’t!

spotHousing campaigners ask Corbyn to instruct Labour council regeneration ballots

Losing your home or child’s play space is something that can’t wait until an election – more importantly, it is within Labour councils’ power to stop

spotThousands march in London for Palestine

This year marks a century since imperialism’s ‘Balfour Declaration’, 50 years since Israel’s 1967 war on Palestine, and the tenth year of the blockade of Gaza

spotOpposition to new academy school being built on Leeds playing fields

Leeds council should not just accept the diktats of the Tory government

spotOrgreave campaigners’ Halloween ‘Death of Justice’ march

spotSheffield trees campaigner sentenced to prison

Sheffield trees campaigner Calvin Payne was sentenced to three months in prison, suspended for one year, for peaceful protest

spotBrum meeting celebrates centenary of 1917

50 attended the Birmingham Socialist Party public meeting to mark the centenary of the Russian revolution

Socialist readers’ comments and reviews

spotObituary: Derek Robinson, car workers’ leader, 1927-2017

Derek Robinson, one of the most famous trade unionists of the 1970s, has died aged 90

spotWelsh update of Chekhov an engrossing tale of 1980s class conflict

Theatre – The Cherry Orchard: Part of ‘R17’, a series of arts events in Wales to mark the centenary of the Russian revolution, this adaptation is worthy of the connection

spotObituary: Paul Randall, 1959-2017

Paul Randall was a former sheet metal worker and founding member of our Huddersfield branch in the 1980s

spotThe Socialist inbox

Do you have something to say? Even if you oppose the ideas defended by Militant, surely trying to erase it from history is not quality journalism


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