Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, February 14, 2025

Sheffield unions push no-cuts, people’s budget

Gary Drabble, Sheffield North West Socialist Party £500 million has been robbed from Sheffield Council budgets over the last 14 years by the previous Tory...

Socialist Students conference prepares for struggle against Labour

Over 100 students met in the Highfields Community Centre in Leicester for Socialist Students annual conference on 8 February

The Socialist Party is part of the CWI Click for CWI website

Hottest ever January, again!

If you want to fight back against climate destruction, then join the Socialist Party and the struggle for a socialist future

Hastings and Reading Prides – “Keir Starmer, shame on you”

The 'Pride is protest' bloc included representatives from the National Education Union (NEU) and Palestine protesters.

Tesco-Usdaw ‘partnership’ used to hold back struggle

Partnership agreements muzzle workers and our organisations; there can be no overlap of interests between workers and bosses,

Members’ Resources

Use this page to pay in Fighting Fund, paper sales, to search for leaflets and notify us of new members.