Mila Hughes, Coventry Socialist Party
The Socialist Party’s Black and Asian members’ group had its first meeting of the year on 24 March. This was our first meeting with people participating in person, not just online, since the pandemic.
Socialist Party National Committee member Hugo Pierre introduced the political discussion on the consciousness of Black and Asian workers today. He explained the historical development of racism to the modern day, and how it affects us.
We crucially outlined the need to intervene in Black and Asian struggles now more than ever, and how our demands to fight for the rights of Black and Asian workers are intrinsically linked to the need for a new mass workers’ party.
The discussion moved on to how the fight against racism becomes more and more complex, as capitalism continues to exploit the working class. A Middle Eastern member invited the meeting to think about how many Black workers carry dual consciousness – on one hand facing the struggle as a working-class person in Britain, and on the other acknowledging the international perspective of their respective nationality.
We discussed our participation in the protests against the onslaught on Gaza, and other campaigns that the Socialist Party supports, including Tamil Solidarity and Nigerian Solidarity UK.
Many people come to politics through struggling against their own specific oppression. We explain the roots of oppression, and the need for socialism to end all oppression.
Read ‘Black Workers’ Charter 2023: a programme for fighting racism’