Vote Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition on 2 May
Nadia Ditta, Southampton Socialist Party and TUSC candidate in Bevois ward
The cost-of-living crisis, and the continuous cuts to services and facilities. Council tax rises, gas and electric going up. Every attack hits the working class hard. People face hardships, forced to make difficult financial decisions. Meanwhile the rich get richer.
It’s events that trigger us, that make us say ‘enough is enough’ and to fight for our rights. For me, it was the Israeli state’s war on Gaza – supported by both Tories and Labour.
Every day in my community people are fighting their own wars – wars to keep a roof over their heads and to keep food on the table.
We know that the wealth is there to fully fund our NHS, schools, public transport and much more, but it’s in the hands of the super-rich. We need councillors prepared to fight the cuts, and political representatives opposed to war and national oppression.
The Tories and the Labour council in Southampton have bashed the working class so hard over the years. Lots of people have given up voting.
We have been fighting hard in Bevois ward, Southampton, listening and talking to people, getting the message out: ‘Vote for candidates who have what it takes to fight.’ 280 of us are standing for TUSC nationwide.
We demand change. Help us send the message out on 2 May that ‘enough is enough!’
Vote for TUSC where you can and join the Socialist Party to fight for socialist change.