Strike together placard. Photo: Tommy Liverpool
Strike together placard. Photo: Tommy Liverpool

The working class makes change

Robyn Makings, South Yorkshire Socialist Party

I joined the Socialist Party because I don’t feel that any big parties currently offer a genuine voice for the working class, at a time when that is needed more than ever. If change is going to come, it will fall on the shoulders of the working class to bring it about ourselves. So I wanted to get active in whatever small ways I could, by getting involved with others locally and nationally.

I have a particular interest in how artists can involve themselves in politics. And how they can use their skills to influence and educate people, and help bring about positive change.

I really enjoy reading the Socialist paper and Socialism Today magazine. The content covered is always interesting and informative, both nationally and internationally.

It’s both interesting and inspiring to read about how socialists are fighting for positive change elsewhere in the world, as often our mainstream media doesn’t cover these stories. It really affirms that the struggle is a global one.