Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Socialist issue 343: End The Occupation Of Iraq

The Socialist issue 343

17 April 2004

spotEnd The Occupation Of Iraq

OVER 600 Iraqis slaughtered in just one city. The corpses of children, women and elderly as well as young men lying in the streets. …

spotTurning Point In Iraq

Socialist Party campaigns

spotCivil service strikes: Fighting Low Pay

NEARLY 100,000 civil servants were on strike on 13 and 14 April. Members of the PCS union in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Prison Service were striking against low pay…

spotNUT conference: Building A Fighting Leadership

THE KEY question at the National Union of Teachers (NUT) conference was: “Can we elect a leadership that will fight against government attacks on teachers?”…

spotLow Pay, No Way!

WHILE FAT-CAT bosses get richer, many young workers are exploited in low paid jobs, often with very little security. In 2003 executive directors of the UK’s top 100 companies received an average pay increase of 23% while average earnings rose by a…

spotGetting Organised In The Fast Food Industry

THE FAST food industry is one of Britain’s biggest employers of young people. We print below an article on working for the McDonalds hamburger chain in London…

spotCome to Socialism 2004

War, terror, poverty… there is an alternative: Forget Glastonbury! Readers of the socialist should keep the weekend of 26 and 27 June free in their diaries, in order not to miss Socialism 2004…

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotWelsh Assembly: Re-Arranging Titanic’s Deckchairs

AFTER A two-year investigation, the Richard Commission has recommended that the Welsh Assembly should be given primary law-making powers by 2011. …

spotAustria: Court Victory Against Extreme Anti-Abortionists

LAST MONTH a Viennese court made a final ruling in favour of Claudia Sorger, the spokesperson for women’s affairs of the Socialist Left Party (SLP, the Austrian section of the CWI) in a case brought by extreme anti-abortionists…


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