Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Socialist issue 365: Strike Back At Job Cuts!

The Socialist issue 365

9 October 2004

spotStrike Back At Job Cuts

Civil service, Jaguar, P&O…: TONY BLAIR and Gordon Brown said nothing in their Labour Party conference speeches about the increasing number of job losses in the economy. But Brown has his axe poised over 104,000 civil service jobs…

spotDon’t Let The Fat Cats Bury The Big Cat

CBI boss threatens Coventry workers: DIGBY JONES, the bosses’ representative at the head of the CBI has warned Jaguar workers not to "push water uphill". The Coventry Evening Telegraph reported him as saying that: "Unions should recognise they could push Ford too…

spotReject Agenda For Change!

Health service: LOW PAY in the NHS is widespread – many ancillary workers get around £4.85 an hour, little more than the minimum wage. Thousands have to rely on extra payments for working unsocial hours just to scrape together a living…

spotYour Questions Answered

AGENDA FOR Change (AfC) is riddled with inequalities. Socialist Party members in the NHS believe it is a bad deal which should be thrown out. It will certainly do nothing to provide a free, modern, publicly owned national health service that…

spot"We’re Not Faceless Bureaucrats"

THE BALLOT for strike action amongst civil service workers has begun…

spotBuilding Support Amongst Other Trade Unionists

MARION LLOYD, a member of the PCS national executive committee, recently spoke at rail union ASLEF’s national conference. Extracts from her warmly received speech follow:…

spotCan Blair See Out A Third Term?

TONY BLAIR has announced that he will go on to serve out a third term as prime minister. If it were just down to the Tories then he probably would…

spotUnion Leaders’ Rebellion Fizzles Out

Labour and war: THE UNION leaders’ threatened revolt against Blair on Iraq at the Labour Party conference evaporated quicker than you could say ‘stitch-up’…

Socialist Party feature

spotForty Years of Fighting For Socialism

FORTY YEARS ago this month, the first issue of the Militant (now the socialist), was produced…

spotEuropean Social Forum

THE EUROPEAN Social Forum (ESF), meeting in London from 15-17 October, is just a week away. Tens of thousands will converge on Alexandra Palace and Bloomsbury to hear speakers on ‘war and peace’, ‘social justice’, ‘corporate globalisation’, ‘racism…

International socialist news and analysis

spotTroops, Bulldozers And Resistance

Palestine / Iraq: WATCHING THE TV news last weekend, it was difficult trying to identify whether the tanks and helicopter gunships blasting buildings were Israeli or US, and whether the location was the Palestinian Gaza strip or the cities of Samarra and Fallujah in Iraq…

spotAs Politicians Talk – Sectarian Divisions Deepen

Northern Ireland: DESPITE THE failure of the Leeds Castle talks last month, the British and Irish governments are continuing talks with Sinn Fein and the DUP in an attempt to resurrect the Northern Ireland Assembly and to re-establish an Executive…

spotTweedledum Or Tweedledee?

Australia: Federal Elections -: AUSTRALIAN PRIME Minister, John Howard, has called the Australian Federal election for 9 October. But Australians have little to choose from; Howard is the most right-wing Liberal prime minister ever, and Mark Latham, the leader of the Australian…


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