Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Socialist issue 373: Private hands off public services

The Socialist issue 373

4 December 2004

spotPrivate hands off public services

London Unison demonstration last year

PRIVATE FINANCE Initiative (PFI) deals have always been extremely profitable for private contractors. But recent reports show what a bad deal it’s been for public services such as the NHS and how much greedy private companies use it to fill…

spotPre-budget statement: Workers will pay for economic failure

CHANCELLOR GORDON Brown’s pre-budget statement will probably be the last before the expected general election in May. This could come just in time for the New Labour government as they will have to face some unpalatable economic and financial…

spotNHS not safe in Labour’s hands

IT WAS ‘black Wednesday’ for the health service in Wales on 24 November. The New Labour-dominated Welsh Assembly government announced the effective closure of the paediatric neurosurgery unit at Swansea’s Morriston hospital…

spotBlair’s election strategy threatens democratic rights

NEW LABOUR’S general election strategy is now clear. They say "vote Labour" for tough measures on law and order and to fight the ‘war on terror’…

spotNo top-up fees

National union of students demo: THE NATIONAL Union of Students (NUS) has called a demonstration in Cardiff on 2 December, to protest against top-up fees. New Labour has decided that burdening students with fees of over £1,000 a year and getting rid of grants and replacing them…

spotFighting fund Christmas appeal

The Socialist Party is appealing for donations to our funds this Christmas…

International socialist news and analysis

spotUkraine: Neither Yanukovych or Yuschenko

AS THE socialist goes to press, Ukraine’s supreme court is expected to rule on the country’s disputed presidential election…

spotSocialist Party councillor elected in Australia

SOCIALIST PARTY member Stephen Jolly has won a seat in Langridge Ward in the Yarra City Council elections in Melbourne, Australia. This is the first electoral victory for the socialist movement in Australia for many years…

spotIraq election crisis

Seventeen political groups, mostly Sunni, have called for the postponement of elections in Iraq, scheduled for 30 January. They include the party of the stooge interim prime minister Iyad Alawi and former foreign minister Adnan Pachachi…

spotCommittee for a Workers’ International: Building the forces of socialism worldwide

Committee for a Workers’ International: THE INTERNATIONAL Executive Committee (IEC, the elected leadership of the Committee for a Workers’ International – CWI) recently met to discuss the impending crisis in the world economy, the effect of Bush’s re-election and the continuing bloody occupation of Iraq and Europe…

spotWhich Revolution?

Which Revolution, directed by Asociación Civil Ciudadania Activa, Venezuela 2004…

Socialist Party workplace news

spotUNISON general secretary election: A fighting programme to defend pensions

“YOU’VE GOT five months to save your pension.” That’s how Roger Bannister, who is standing in the general secretary election campaign in public sector union UNISON, described the threat to council workers’ pensions…

spotSave the Jag! Renationalise Jaguar to save jobs

THOUSANDS OF workers demonstrated in support of Jaguar workers at Coventry’s Browns Lane plant – who are facing redundancies and closure at the hands of car multinational Ford – on Saturday 27 November…

spotBrighton teaching assistants fight council attacks

Defend public services: BY STRIKING on 25-26 November, teaching assistants (TAs) across Brighton and Hove showed their willingness to fight the council to receive a fair and decent salary…

spotDWP needs more experienced staff, not less

DWP computer crash – private companies fail public services… again: LAST WEEK, the biggest computer crash in government history hit the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)…


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