Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Socialist issue 385: Blair's pensions climbdown

The Socialist issue 385

19 March 2005

spotBlair’s pensions climbdown

THE THREAT of coordinated strike action by public-sector unions over the issue of pensions on 23 March has forced a major climb-down by the government.

spotPensions attacks: United action can win

“THIS IS the first time in my memory that so many workers in different trade unions have been involved in strike action over the same issue…

spotPensions – the socialist future

THE SOCIALIST Party argues in its election manifesto that every person has the right to a living pension, which should be based around a socialist pensions policy achieving the following demands:…

spotWhy we voted to strike to defend pensions

Local government: TENS OF thousands of public-sector workers have voted to strike to fight the government’s attempts to raise their retirement age and make them pay more for an inferior pension…

spotAnger turns to action over pensions

LOCAL GOVERNMENT and civil service workers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action to defend their pensions…

spotFight for a better future

NANCY TAAFFE is a part-time library assistant and member of UNISON. She campaigned in favour of strike action against New Labour’s attacks…

spotWhat is socialism?

THE ARTICLE below is a slightly updated extract from the chapter How would socialism work? in the book Socialism in the 21st Century written by Hannah Sell…

spotIraq: troops out now

TWO YEARS on from the invasion of Iraq, what remains of Bush and Blair’s justification of the war?…

spotIraq: occupation and the resistance

TWO YEARS ago, the US regime promised a short war to ‘liberate’ Iraq – ‘operation shock and awe’…

spotBush and the ‘democratic revolutions’

FROM THE ‘Orange Revolution’ in Ukraine to the ‘Cedar Revolution’ in Lebanon, the authoritarian regimes of the world are forced to reform in the face of US-sponsored "democratic revolts", or so says the Bush a…

spot‘Scary prospect’ of US economic catastrophe

FORBES MAGAZINE’S latest survey of the world’s richest individuals puts Microsoft’s Bill Gates on top of the list with personal assets of $46.5 billion…

spotMassive strike in France

IN FRANCE, in one of the biggest trade union mobilisations, one million people took to the streets on 10 March demanding better wages and battling against a longer working week…

spot‘Third World Debt’ – who gains from Brown’s plans?

GORDON BROWN urged activists at Labour’s Scottish conference to join the July demonstration demanding global justice at the Edinburgh G8 summit…

spotOppose Clarke’s ‘hideous experiment’

HOME SECRETARY Charles Clarke’s draconian new ‘anti-terror’ laws have been passed through Parliament after the longest sitting so far this century…

spotGood result for Roger Bannister

Results of UNISON General Secretary election declared
Q. What do you think your result in the general secretary election means?
Roger: I THINK it clearly shows the effect of Dave Prentis being the sitting candidate.

spotBuilding a new NUT leadership

DELEGATES WILL be gathering at the National Union of Teachers (NUT) annual conference in Gateshead this Easter, buoyed by the union’s decision to hold a ballot for a one-day national strike to oppose the attacks on our…


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