Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Socialist issue 390: Vote Socialist on 5 May

The Socialist issue 390

28 April 2005

spotVote Socialist on 5 May

THIS IS the last week of the general election campaign but a lot of people switched off a long time ago…

spotFighting the jobs massacre in Birmingham

Louise Houldey: 'Nationalise Rover - Socialist Alternative' candidate

Louise Houldey is standing in Birmingham Northfield constituency as the ‘Nationalise Rover – Socialist Alternative’ candidate in the general election

spotElection Feature

Housing for need not profit: SO FEW houses are being built at affordable prices in Britain that even workers in jobs where there are chronic shortages cannot get on the ‘property ladder’…

spotStanding for socialism in Scotland

A SURVEY of public opinion in Scotland carried out at the start of the election campaign found that 79% of people believed that wealth should be redistributed in society…

spotLeicester NHS phone in – socialists v. the rest

GETTING PRESS publicity in election campaigns can be very frustrating, since the Socialist Party largely gets cut out of the media…

spotNeeded – a new party for working people

BRIAN SEDGEMORE, veteran Labour backbench former MP, has resigned from the Labour Party…

spotBig business scuppers Jamie’s school dinners

WHO RUNS our schools? Teachers and elected councillors or private companies with juicy profitable contracts? That’s what people are asking after the…

spotBritain’s so-called ‘booming economy’

NEW LABOUR have made the economy the centre-piece of their election campaign. But, JIM HORTON asks, what’s the reality of Brown’s ‘booming’ economy, will it last, and just who has got their hands on all that new wealth created by millions of working people over the last eight years?

spotMukhtar Mai – a rape victim in search of justice in Pakistan

DESPITE ALL the claims of the present Musharraf regime, women are still facing a horrific situation in Pakistan…

spotEnd world poverty

WORLD POVERTY Day on 24 April was the opening shot of another New Labour campaign…

spotWhy we celebrate May Day

MAY DAY (1 May) has historically been celebrated as a day of international working-class solidarity and struggle…

spotStalinism, socialism and capitalism

WHEN MIKHAIL Gorbachev was selected as the Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s general secretary 20 years ago, in March 1985, it marked the beginning of the end of Stalinist rule in the Soviet Union and…

spotLabour’s the problem not the answer

THE UNISON Health conference in Plymouth started on 25 April with a mass of resolutions condemning the creeping privatisation of the NHS under New Labour…

spotUsdaw – Need for change at the top

THE BROAD Left group in the shop and retail workers’ union USDAW has decided to back Terry Savage as their candidate for president of the union, which will be contested later this year…


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