Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Socialist issue 416: Time for a new workers' party

The Socialist issue 416

17 November 2005

spotTime for a new workers’ party

A CAMPAIGN for a new workers’ party was launched at Socialism 2005.

spotSocialism 2005: Building a socialist alternative

The 800 people that attended the Socialist Party’s Rally for Socialism were united by their horror at what modern capitalism means for billions of people and their desire to change the world…

spot"Looking forward to changing the world"

Socialism 2005 rally

A BUZZ filled the main hall at the Friends Meeting House as we began to pack in for the main Socialism 2005 rally – older members who had been part of the mass struggles of the 1970s and 80s and, in th…

spotCampaign for a new workers’ party

THE FOLLOWING declaration for a new workers’ party was launched by the Socialist Party at Socialism 2005, a weekend of discussion and debate attended by hundreds of young people, trade union and community…

spotNorthumbria socialist students rock against racism

Socialist students at Northumbria University have been campaigning against racism and prejudice through our Unite Against Racism campaign this term…

spotSelection and ‘free market’ threaten our schools

Education White Paper: TONY BLAIR’S first defeat in parliament over the Terrorism Bill has made many parents, school students, teachers and education workers more confident that they can defeat Labour’s latest education White Paper…

spotWe want our buses back!

SHEFFIELD PEOPLE will march this Saturday to show their anger at South Yorkshire First’s latest 15-20% bus fare rise which comes into effect on that day…

spotReinstate Andy Beadle

KEEP UP the pressure in the campaign to reinstate Andy Beadle, the democratically elected Transport and General Workers rep at Peckham bus garage…

spotEighth strike for £8 an hour

ON 19 and 20 November First Bus drivers will strike for the eight and ninth time in North Staffordshire…

spotSACKED for speaking out

EILEEN HUNTER, National Union of Teachers’ representative at the International School and Community College in Birmingham, has been sacked for speaking out in her school…

spotPCS launches jobs campaign

OVER 100 PCS members marched through the centre of Coventry on 12 November, against government plans to cut hundreds of jobs from regional Jobcentres and 550 jobs from the offices of the Learning and Skills…

spotAngry Commons cleaners fight back

THEY WORK at the House of Commons, but they earn only £5.20 an hour, receive no sick pay, no pension and poor holiday entitlement…

spotA struggle for survival

Interview with Polish worker in Britain: IN MAY 2004 ten countries joined the European Union – including Poland, Latvia and the Czech Republic…

spotBush regime in crisis

THE BUSH administration is experiencing an acute political crisis only one year after the US president was comfortably re-elected…


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