Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Socialist, issue 475: Bush & Blair: Get out of Iraq

Articles from the Socialist, issue 475

22 February 2007

spotBush & Blair: Get out of Iraq

Anti-War demonstration 19 March 2005, photo Paul Mattsson

Anti-War demonstration 19 March 2005, photo Paul Mattsson

A group of Iraqi teachers visiting Britain have described how their normal life in Baghdad includes seeing ‘corpses and flying body parts’ as they travel to work…


Stop the War Coalition/CND demo

Troops out of Iraq.

No Trident.

Saturday 24 February. Assemble 12 noon, Speakers Corner, Hyde Park. March to Trafalgar Square, London.

spotIraq ‘surge’ doomed to failure

spotItaly: Thousands march against US military base

Socialist Party Marxist analysis

spotNo to Trident!

RIDING PILLION behind Bush, Blair has embroiled Britain in disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan…

spotNorth Korea: Talks achieve new accord

spotAnti-war, anti-nuclear, anti-capitalist? Read the socialist!

Socialist Students

spotStudents can defeat fees

THE LIES go on! Blair maintains that the introduction of top-up fees has been vindicated and that his critics have been proved wrong. As usual his claims are based on dodgy evidence.

spotAnother profit-making racket

spotLiving in debt – with no advice

spotDefend further education

Socialist Party Congress

spotThe politics of socialism

Socialist Party national congress: CHRIS BAUGH, assistant general secretary of the PCS civil service union, launched the Socialist Party’s 2007 congress with a rousing speech…

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotJustice for the Shrewsbury pickets

WELL KNOWN actor and former industrial militant, Ricky Tomlinson, spoke at the highly successful Campaign for a New Workers’ Party meeting in Liverpool on 12 February…

spotChildren at the sharp end of British capitalism

spotBanking billionaires

spotDrug companies squeeze profits out of health

spotHospitals crisis worsens

spotFighting homophobia


spotClimate change – we have to act now

Why is climate change a problem?: The major capitalist countries (G8) are planning to meet in June in Germany to discuss climate change, among other issues…

Socialist Party Marxist analysis

spotCWI world congress: How will new workers’ parties be built?

CWI world congress report (3): ROGER BANNISTER Socialist Party visitor and national secretary of the Campaign for a New Workers’ Party reports….

Workplace news and analysis

spotValentine’s day protest

Southampton: “YOU TAKE the pay cuts!” were the angry chants that greeted councillors as they arrived to set their budget in Southampton on St Valentine’s day last week…

spotUnique Care workers plan more protests

spotIsraeli postal workers storm trade union HQ


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