Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Socialist, issue 551: Where is the bailout for us?

Articles from the Socialist, issue 551

8 October 2008

Credit crunch

spotWhere is the bailout for us?

FTSE 100 UK stock market in record plunge

FTSE 100 UK stock market in record plunge

Labour bails out the bosses: Waiting for the bus outside Asda, I assess my situation with regards to fuel poverty. Asda is not my nearest supermarket but I think it’s the cheapest. Sally Huggins, Waltham Forest Socialist Party, comments.

spotEditorial: Casino capitalism’s crisis continues

spotLessons of the 1990s recession in Japan

spotHouse building hits new low

spotResponsibility for the ‘age of irresponsibility’

spotTories grasp at popularity

Socialist Students

spotCampaign to defeat fees!

Cambridge Socialist Students protest, photo Cambridge Socialist Party

Cambridge Socialist Students protest, photo Cambridge Socialist Party

Build a mass movement for free education: SINCE THE New Labour government brought in tuition fees eleven years ago, students have been told that “debt is good.” The government claimed that the university fees and loans system increased social mobility, that all students who graduate would have their debts cancelled out by increased earnin, writes Iain Dalton, Bangor Socialist Students, and Matt Dobson Socialist Students national organiser.

spotStudents look for socialist ideas


spotUniversity workers fight pension attacks

Sussex University Unite members protest against attacks on their pensions, photo Peter Knight

Sussex University Unite members protest against attacks on their pensions, photo Peter Knight

University of Sussex management should have known better than to attack the pensions of some of the lowest paid workers on campus, writes Peter Knight.

spotNUT strike ballot: Action on pay can win

Socialist Party campaigns

spotA day in the life of a care worker

Getting up at 6am to go to work is normal for a lot of people. This is what I did yesterday, so I was in time to start my shift at 7.45am. It’s now 6am the following day and I am still at work…

spotThe sacking of Blair, London’s police chief

spotSocialist meeting blocked by councillor

spotNo to incinerators, give us a real say!

spotKeep the Metro public!

International socialist news and analysis

spotMbeki dismissed by ANC as South Africa’s president

THE RESIGNATION of South Africa’s president Thabo Mbeki on 20 September after being ‘recalled’ by the executive committee of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) allied to Mbeki’s rival – Jacob Zuma – has plunged the ANC into its most serious political crisis and a potential split. Weizmann Hamilton of the Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM, CWI in South Africa) explains the background and the likely consequences.

Socialist Party workplace news

spot“Telling the boss: You can’t do that”

When I became a union rep a few years ago at my current train depot, it was basically because no-one else would do it, an Aslef member writes.

spotFight against the Unison witch-hunt

spotFrustration with union leadership

spotAnother victory in Greenwich

spotWorkplace news in brief


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