Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Socialist, issue 561: Stop the slaughter in Gaza

Articles from the Socialist, issue 561

7 January 2009

spotStop the Slaughter in Gaza

London demonstration against Israel

London demonstration against Israel’s attack on Gaza, photo Paul Mattsson

Mass struggle needed for liberation: Missiles from F-16 fighter planes screaming down on children sleeping or cowering in crowded homes and basements; this is state terrorism of the most brutal kind, raining terror onto a trapped population that doesn’t even have enough fuel, water and medicines to treat the injured…

spotThousands protest against the Israeli onslaught

Socialist Party Marxist analysis

spot2009 – putting socialism back on the agenda

London demonstration against Israel

London demonstration against Israel’s attack on Gaza, photo Alison Hill

“GOODBYE AND good riddance to all that,” declared the Financial Times, the big business mouthpiece, as it said farewell to 2008, writes Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party general secretary.

Socialist Party youth and students

spotYouth fight for jobs

Youth Fight for Jobs

Youth Fight for Jobs

Fight for your future! Piles of cash so huge they’re barely comprehensible are thrown at the fat cat financiers and bankers to bail them out of a crisis of their own making, writes Sarah Sachs-Eldridge.

Socialist Party campaigns

spotThe great rail fares rip-off

PRIVATE RAIL operating companies in the UK have announced huge fares increases, way above the rate of inflation, for ‘peak’ and ‘off-peak’ journeys…

spotMadoff with the money!

spotNo festive joy for shop workers

spotLabour ministers’ unsocial fund

spotPlutocrats lose

spotMake the poor pay

Celebrity Big Brother

spotTommy Sheridan in Celebrity Big Brother

The appearance of Tommy Sheridan in Celebrity Big Brother will have disappointed many people who know of his role as an uncompromising fighter for the interests of the working class over the past 25 years.

International socialist news and analysis

spotUSA: Chicago factory workers occupation wins concessions

BY OCCUPYING their plant, and refusing to budge, workers at the Republic Windows & Doors factory in Chicago have provided an inspirational example to workers around the country of how workers can fight and win their demands, writes Bryan Koulouris, Socialist Alternative (CWI, USA).

Socialist Party workplace news

spotFor a fighting Usdaw leadership

Vote Robbie for a fighting, campaigning Usdaw.: Socialist Party member Robbie Segal is standing for election as president of the shopworkers’ union Usdaw…

spotSouth Wales: Workers vow to fight job losses

spotBT: reluctant vote for pension cuts

spotNo redundancies at GSK!

spotSalford council: Equal pay, not pay cuts!

Environment and socialism

spotNo to the toxic incinerator!

IN CONJUNCTION with Devon County Council, North Devon Council has approved in principle the plan to build a rubbish incinerator as part of the redevelopment of a stretch of land by the river Taw in Barnstaple, writes Jim Lowe, North Devon Socialist Party.


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