Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Socialist, issue 562: Stop Israeli state terror

Articles from the Socialist, issue 562

14 January 2009

War and occupation

spotStop the Israeli state terror

spot100,000+ on Gaza protests

Socialist Party editorial

spotBritish economy heads deeper into crisis

Vote for Robbie Segal

spotStop job cuts

Robbie Segal

Robbie Segal

Tens of thousands of retail workers are being laid off. These workers are facing a bleak future, writes Robbie Segal, who is standing for president of Usdaw. Voting starts 19 January.
I am standing for election to become president of Usdaw because our union needs to be a fighting union. We should be building a mass campaign against job losses but also demanding a minimum wage of £8 an hour without exemptions. The union should be taking workers’ wages and conditions forward, not watching them go backwards.

Socialist Party youth and students

spotFight for your future

ISR on the demonstration against war on Gaza, London, 10 Jan 2009, photo Sarah Mayo

ISR on the demonstration against war on Gaza, London, 10 Jan 2009, photo Sarah Mayo

From ‘generation iPod’ to generation unemployed in a matter of months – the government and media’s portrayal of young people has changed dramatically as the credit crunch has unfolded, writes Ben Robinson, ISR national organiser.

spotFight for free education

spotBuilding ISR and Socialist Students in 2009

spotFight for your future: what ISR campaigns for

Socialist Party campaigns

spotThe 2012 Olympics legacy

WHAT WILL be left when the Olympic games leaves town? That was the question debated by over a hundred people at Stratford Circus, east London, last week. Called by a loose coalition of interested groups…

spotHeathrow expansion protest

spotDefend threatened Saudi Arabian trade unionist

spotWirral: Marching to stop the cuts

spotFast News

Socialist Party feature

spotThe NHS today – can it meet everyone’s health needs?

Desperately ill patients are being denied expensive drugs that could treat their conditions. Local NHS trusts claim they don’t have the money and that treating one person with a drug costing thousands…

Socialist Party workplace news

spotConference: ‘The crisis in working class political representation’

spotGlaxoSmithKline: The fightback starts here

spotTube cleaners protest against victimisation

spotJob cuts announced at Nissan


Car industry in crisis national meeting

The National Shop Stewards Network is organising a meeting for car workers and those in ancillary industries:

Saturday 14 February 2009, 12-4pm,

The Birmingham and Midland Institute,

Margaret Street, Birmingham B3 3BS

Please encourage your union branch/workplace to sponsor this meeting and send delegates (£5 per delegate or visitor).

See also: or PO Box 58262, London N1P 1ET.

International socialist news and analysis

spotJobs meltdown hits Ireland

“THIS IS not about a company that’s in trouble. This is about greed, corporate greed. They’re going to Poland because apparently they can make an extra 3%.”, writes Stephen Boyd, Cork.

spotDebate and meeting in Dublin

spotSri Lanka -: Vicious attacks on media and killing of newspaper editor

spotBangladesh: Protesters denounce global mining corporation

Socialist Party review


Che Guevara in military fatigues, 2 June 1959

Che Guevara in military fatigues, 2 June 1959

The release of the first of Steven Soderbergh’s two-part biopic on Che Guevara coincides with the fiftieth anniversary of the Cuban revolution. It is attracting wide audiences of mainly young people. Given that many of those seeing the film are looking for an alternative to capitalism, Socialist Party branches are organising leafleting and book sales outside cinemas.
TONY SAUNOIS, secretary of the Committee for a Workers’ International, looks at how the film deals with the important political questions raised.

Socialist Party feature

spotWhy Manchester rejected the congestion charge

BY A four-to-one margin, Greater Manchester residents have thrown out proposals threatening to bring in a “congestion charge” in return for some limited investment in public transport, writes Hugh Caffrey, Manchester.


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