Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, May 3, 2024

The Socialist, issue 575: MPs' snouts in the expenses trough

Articles from the Socialist, issue 575

15 April 2009

spotMPs’ snouts in the expenses trough

Stop the slaughter of Tamils

spotSri Lanka: Stop the war – fight for democratic rights

100,000 strong demonstration calling for an end to the war in the north of Sri Lanka , photo Paul Mattsson

AFTER A week of escalating protests worldwide against the mounting slaughter of Tamils in Sri Lanka, the Rajapakse government announced a two-day halt to the fighting with the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, writes Elizabeth Clarke, Committee for a Workers’ International.

spotStop the war in Sri Lanka: Protest at India House

Socialist Party election campaign

spotEuropean elections: Why No2EU?

No2EU - Yes to Democracy press launch, photo Suzanne Beishon

The Socialist Party is backing the RMT transport union-led No2EU-Yes to Democracy coalition in June’s European elections. Clive Heemskerk explains why we need an alternative to the bosses’ EU…

Socialist Party workplace news

spotVisteon workers angry and determined

Workers picket Visteon at Basildon, photo Paul Mattsson

Basildon: THE STRUGGLE of workers at Visteon plants has inspired many other workers whose jobs are threatened. The occupations and mass pickets at the Belfast, Basildon and Enfield plants have forced the management…

spotNational Union of Teachers conference: Battle on workload begins

spotLondon Underground: Set a new strike date

spotFury at John Lewis’ trickery

spotPreparing to fight probation meltdown

Youth fight for jobs

spotYouth Fight for Jobs: What next to build the campaign?

Youth Fight for Jobs and NO2EU on the 'Put People First' demo, photo Paul Mattsson

Support for ‘Youth Fight for Jobs’ (YFJ) continues to grow. John McDonnell MP has now given his support. The national launch conference of YFJ, on Saturday 9 May at University College London, is the next big event for this important campaign.

Marxist analysis: history

spotThe Spanish Civil War: Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory

THE SPANISH civil war (1936-39) was the bloodiest stage in the ten year-long Spanish revolution that began in 1931. As Hannah Sell explains, Spain was a further confirmation of Leon Trotsky’s theory of ‘permanent revolution’, which was earlier borne out in the Russian workers’ socialist revolution of 1917.

Socialist Party editorial

spotDeceptive denigration of Lindsey strike

Public meeting on lessons of the Lindsey oil refinery strike with Keith Gibson (speaking) and Jerry Hicks, photo Paul Mattsson

The strike by the Lindsey oil refinery construction workers at the end of January and beginning of February was an inspirational struggle against the ‘race to the bottom’…

Socialist Party campaigns

spotG20 Summit death: Bring the cops to account

THE DEATH of Ian Tomlinson, a bystander at the G20 summit protests, at the hands of a baton wielding officer of the London Metropolitan police is a scandal…

spotCouncil manoeuvres in Lewisham hit school children

spotParents occupy schools in Glasgow to stop closures

spotFast news

International socialist news and analysis

spotThailand: Battles erupt on the streets of Bangkok

A TEMPORARY calm has returned to the streets of Bangkok and other cities of Thailand. On 14 April, protest leader Prateep Ungsongtham Hata said: “We held talks among the leaders since last night and have…

spotMoldova: Thousands storm parliament buildings as economic crisis worsens


spotRugby league: In League with big business?

AS TOP-flight football becomes more and more under the control of ridiculously wealthy individuals and businesses, we can learn from the creation of another of England’s most played and supported sports…


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