Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, May 3, 2024

The Socialist, issue 589: Nationalise to save jobs and the environment

Articles from the Socialist, issue 589

29 July 2009

spotNationalise to save jobs and the environment

spotVestas – build mass action for victory

Unison witch-hunt:

spotUnison witch-hunt: Defend the Unison Four!

Unison conference 2009: Brian Debus, Onay Kasab and Glenn Kelly, photo Paul Mattsson

Scandalously a Unison disciplinary committee has banned four Socialist Party members from holding office for periods from three to five years…

spotWhat you can do to help the campaign

War and occupation

spotAfghanistan – Withdraw the troops

THE BRITISH government is cynically exploiting the tragic deaths of British soldiers to justify the continuing war in Afghanistan, writes Paula Mitchell.

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotSwine flu: Profit system puts people at risk

SWINE ‘FLU is rapidly spreading. A vaccine to prevent infection is urgently needed but it will be next year before there are sufficient supplies to protect everyone in Britain. Eventually half the population…

spotHospital worker reinstated

Socialist Party Marxist analysis

spotBuilding support for world socialism

Joe Higgins MEP, Socialist Party Ireland, speaking at the European CWI school, photo Bob Severn

Committee for a Workers’ International: The annual summer school of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) took place in Belgium during the week 12 to 17 July…

Youth fight for jobs

spotNo to the Future Jobs Fraud

YFJ steering committee report: With the number of unemployed young people rapidly approaching one million, building Youth Fight for Jobs (YFJ) is more urgent than ever, writes Ben Robinson, YFJ national chair.

spotPublic shows support for Youth Fight for Jobs campaign

Socialist Party workplace news

spotKilmarnock: Anger over Diageo’s jobs massacre

ON 26 JULY, 20,000 people took to the streets of Kilmarnock, west Scotland, to defend the 900 whisky jobs due to be cut by multinational drinks company Diageo, writes Leah Ganley, Youth Fight for Jobs, Scotland.

spotGreedy bosses exploiting seasonal workers

spotCardiff cuts protest

spotStreet cleaners lobby council

spotNational meeting for: Socialist Party trade union members

Socialist Party review


Exhibition review: Brash, bold and belligerent, the artistic movement known as futurism hit the scene in early 1909. Later, it would give expression to political polar opposites: Italian fascist reaction and Russian socialist…

Marxist analysis: history

spotWhen workers shut down Minneapolis

75th anniversary of the “Teamster Rebellion”: TODAY, FACED with the worst economic crisis since the 1930s Great Depression, it is crucial we learn how workers successfully defended themselves in the past…

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotSuccess for Stop the Strip campaign

spotCalifornia’s Budget crisis: Huge cuts spark workers’ anger

spotMilburn goes to top of class

spotProtest against BNP’s ‘festival of hate’


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