Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Socialist, issue 591: Jobs and Education not Dole and Debt

Articles from the Socialist, issue 591

26 August 2009

spotJobs and education not dole and debt

Youth Fight For Jobs march 2 April 2009, photo Paul Mattsson

* Fight for real jobs
* Fight for free education
Join the demonstration on 28 November in London
How many obstacles can the government put in front of young people who want a decent future? The brutal testing regime of the British education system and the bleak prospect of £23,000 worth of graduate debt have not satisfied Gordon Brown and Co, Danny Melia and Sarah Sachs-Eldridge write.

War and occupation

spotAfghanistan: Withdraw foreign troops


Saturday 24 October, Central London

Called by Stop the War Coalition, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and British Muslim Institute

The August presidential elections in Afghanistan will bring no relief to the Afghan people. A similar government to the previous one is the expected outcome, with even less room to make meagre concessions…

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotNo to health privatisation and ‘the market’

NHS demonstration, photo Paul Mattsson

Britain’s NHS has become a pawn in the offensive by US Republicans and the big insurance and healthcare companies against Barack Obama’s proposals to reform the US healthcare system…

spotPrivate Finance Initiative still threatens NHS future

Socialist Party campaign news

spotVestas workers fight on

Vestas wind turbine plant workers occupy and demonstrate against closure, photo Senan

“WHAT DO we want? Nationalisation”, “Vestas Out, Workers in!”, were the chants of Vestas workers and their supporters as we took to the streets of Sandown, Isle of Wight, on 22 August getting great…

spotIreland – workers campaign against Lisbon Treaty

spotRecession threat grows

spotTime to Fight Back: demonstrate at TUC conference

Socialist Party workplace news

spotConstruction workers defending jobs and conditions

Lindsey Oil Refinery workers strike, photo Sean Figg

Construction workers have been protesting for two weeks outside the Uskmouth power station site near Newport, writes Mike John, Newport Socialist Party.

spotPostal strike reports

spotFiddlers Ferry protest continues

spotSouth Yorks firefighters plan industrial action

Youth fight for jobs

spotNo to Future Jobs Fraud scheme

Youth Fight For Jobs march 2 April 2009, photo Paul Mattsson

Youth unemployment: The situation for young people looking for work in this recession is still desperate and it is getting worse, writes Sean Figg, Youth Fight for Jobs national organiser.

spotLeaving education: comment

spotYouth Fight for Jobs action

spotSocialist Students and Youth Fight for Jobs campaign material

Socialist Party Marxist analysis

spotWorld recession, revolution and counter-revolution in Latin America

Former president of the US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan has described the economic situation we are living through today as a: “once in a century economic crisis”, writes Aron Amm, CWI Germany.

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotMarch shows growing opposition to far right BNP

Protest against the BNP's 'festival of hate', photo Jim Reaves

AROUND 1,500 marchers turned out to protest against the far-right racist BNP’s “festival” in Derbyshire on 15 August, writes Naomi Byron.

spotDaventry: socialist candidate in council by-election

spotPassengers want publicly owned buses

Unison witchhunt

spotUnison witch-hunt/employment tribunal: The truth is coming out

Brian Debus (centre) with supporters outside the latest Unison disciplinary hearing, photo Alison Hill

As we reported in the last issue, four Socialist Party members have been banned from holding office in Unison for three to five years by a Unison disciplinary committee…

Housing crisis

spotHow safe are our houses?

ON 3 July this year, a devastating fire swept through Lakanal House in Camberwell in south London. This horrifying incident, which left six people dead, highlighted the poor state of housing locally, writes Jon Redford, Southwark Socialist Party.

Global Warming

spotPoorest suffer globally from climate change

Climate change demo 2005, photo Paul Mattsson

“The Black Saturday fires created winds of 120km/h that snapped trees in half. The fires created their own weather, triggering storm clouds and lightning strikes that started more fires. They created…


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