Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Socialist, issue 604: Climate change: 'Gigantic market failure'

Articles from the Socialist, issue 604

2 December 2009

spotClimate change ‘gigantic market failure’

spotCopenhagen climate change talks

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotNational Health Service: Patient safety not private profit

NHS demonstration, photo Paul Mattsson

THE LATEST report on safety standards in our hospitals lays bare some shocking examples of safety failures in some NHS hospital trusts, writes Jane James.

Youth fight for jobs

spotYouth march for jobs: “A fantastic experience”

Youth Fight for Jobs demonstration 28 November 2009, photo Dave Carr

Youth Fight for Jobs (YFJ) will doubtless earn a reputation for putting on the most lively, vibrant and colourful demonstrations in Britain, writes Sean Figg, YFJ national organiser.

Credit crunch

spotDubai’s house of sand crumbles

STOCK MARKETS and the world financial system have been rocked by the request by investment corporation ‘Dubai World’, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Gulf state of Dubai, for a six month moratorium on the repayment of $3.5 billion of loans, writes Kevin Parslow.

War and occupation

spotChilcot inquiry: Put the warmongers on trial!

PUBLIC ANGER at the blatant spin and lies used to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq by those with blood on their hands – messrs Blair and Brown – has resulted in the Chilcot Inquiry, writes Matt Dobson.

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotFast news

Unauthorised greed: THE SUPREME Court ruled last week that the UK’s high street banks can continue to apply excessive charges on customers’ unauthorised overdrafts…

spotYorkshire strikes – the lessons

spotBA management get tough

spotFighting university cuts

spotFighting council cuts in Greenwich

spotStoke Axiom action continues

spotDefend the Four!

spotNUS plans mean students pay


spotRally to oppose racist EDL

Opposing the racist EDL in Wrexham town centre, photo SP Wales

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE STOP the BNP (NSBNP) has organised a Unity Rally in Nottingham on 5 December against a planned ‘protest’ in the city by the nationalist, racist English Defence League (EDL), writes Nottingham, Socialist Party members.

spotHow mass campaigning closed BNP HQ

International socialist news and analysis

spotIrish Republic: Huge public sector workers’ strike against cutbacks

ON 24 NOVEMBER over 250,000 public service workers in the Irish Republic took part in a one-day strike, writes Michael O’Brien, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland).

spotIndonesia: Eyewitness report from Tamil refugee boat

Socialist Party election campaign

spotPolitics ‘illegal’ in Lewisham council

THE GLOVES are off for next year’s Lewisham council elections. The Socialist Party, the only party prepared to fight against cuts, faces all the other parties including the Greens prepared to implement…

spotHelp give a socialist answer to cuts and privatisation

Marxist analysis: history

spotLiverpool council’s budget ‘black hole’: Establishment parties only offer swingeing cuts

ON 3 August 2009, the Liverpool Echo reported that Liverpool city council faces a budget ‘black hole’ of over £90 million in the next five years, writes Tony Aitman, Tony Mulhearn and Dave Walsh.


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