Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Socialist, issue 462: NHS: Stop this market madness

20 articles from the Socialist, issue 462

9 November 2006

spotNHS: stop this market madness

Private operating theatres in supermarket car-parks! Cancer treatment for pets! This is the madness that the ‘internal market’ and privatisation is bringing… By Alistair Tice

spotDoctor attacks Labour-backing Prentis

AN ANGRY east London GP has written the open letter below to Dave Prentis, General Secretary of the largest trade union in the NHS, UNISON.

spotHealth minister’s ‘scary’ performance

spotThe public-sector fat cats

spotOut of the horse’s mouth

“I’M NOT in business to make cars. I’m in business to make money,” said Donald Stokes, chairman of British Leyland when it was the biggest British car company in the 1970s. Now, another chief executive said the same, this time about medicines.

Socialist Students

spotStudents can defeat fees

WE WERE promised “education, education, education”. We got lies, lies, lies. “Students benefit because upfront fees disappear” is the line the government… By Sarah Sachs-Eldridge

spotCampaign to defeat top-up fees

spotBuild a real alternative to BNP

War and terrorism

spotHanging Saddam won’t end crisis in Iraq

THE DEATH sentence passed on former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, for ‘crimes against humanity’, will do little to end sectarian violence in Iraq… By Dave Carr

International socialist news and analysis

spotSolidarity – Scotland’s socialist movement

Conference agrees to build a socialist party: TWO HUNDRED and fifty members of Solidarity – Scotland’s Socialist Movement attended the first national conference of the new party on Saturday…

spotReactionary Jewish and Arab groups in homophobic campaign


spotNational action needed against performance pay

School teachers: TOO MANY teachers are being ground down under the pressures of a divisive system of performance monitoring, imposed targets, league tables and inspections… By Martin Powell-Davies

spotDevon teachers get organised

spotEducation protests

LAST YEAR Lambeth College made £2.3 million cuts; another 5% in funding cuts were announced this year. If cuts like these continue for the next two or three years, adult education provision will be decimated.

Marxist analysis: history

spotWhen British imperialism hit the rocks

Suez 1956: : ON 5 November 1956 British and French paratroops occupied Egypt’s Port Said at the entrance to the Suez Canal….


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