Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Socialist, issue 467: NHS Crisis: Turn anger into action

30 articles from the Socialist, issue 467

15 December 2006

spotNHS Crisis: Turn anger into action

March to TUC NHS lobby of parliament calling for a national demonstration in 2006

March to TUC NHS lobby of parliament calling for a national demonstration in 2006

Reporting on the NHS crisis: NEW LABOUR Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt has not only pledged to ‘balance’ the National Health Service’s books this year…

spotTeachers support day of action against health cuts

Despite the enormous demands on teachers at this time of the year both teachers and support staff at South Grove Primary made sure that they joined in the Whipps Cross protest against health cuts…

spotQEH Hospital – a victim of privatisation

THE DIRE financial crisis facing Woolwich’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) hit the national press headlines this week…

spotNHS news

War and terrorism

spotFrankenstein kills out of control monster

Saddam’s execution: The rushed execution of Saddam Hussein has all the hallmarks of desperation. Bush needed some “good” news out of Iraq, particularly as any day now there will be the announcement of the 3,000th US military fatality in Iraq.

Violence against women

spotIpswich murders lifts lid on violent world

THE DISCOVERY of the bodies of five young women in Ipswich, all brutally murdered, shocked and touched people all over the country…

Workplace news and analysis

spotPCS: Vote ‘Yes’ against job cuts and low pay

300,000 PCS members vote in national ballot: THE PUBLIC and Commercial Services union (PCS) is balloting its 300,000 members for strike action against job cuts, low pay and deteriorating working conditions. The ballot starts on 2 January for action starting with a one-day national strike on 31 January. A two-week overtime ban will start on 1 February….

spotHeroic struggle scores victory for Visteon workers

spotVictory for Glasgow’s Council Workers in the Fight for Protection

Glasgow’s New Labour council have been forced to retreat in the face of a massive strike over their plans to cut the pay of 4,500 council workers….

Special feature

spotPrivatisation, but not as we know it

The ‘Third Sector’: Fran Heathcote, a group organiser for the civil service union PCS in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), pulls apart the spin…

Socialist Party Marxist analysis

spotThe wealth gap widens

The unleashing of free-market, capitalist forces has deepened the chasm of inequality between rich and poor, capitalist and worker, both across the globe and within all countries…

International socialist news and analysis

spotGood riddance to the ‘butcher of Chile’

ON SUNDAY 10 December the biggest killer and robber Chile has ever seen, ex dictator Augusto Pinochet, died. Hundreds of thousands of Chileans went out onto the streets to celebrate.


spotJOHN HAMILTON – Blairites re-write history

The sad death of John Hamilton, leader of the Liverpool City Council in its titanic struggle to defend Liverpool from the ravagers of Thatcherism, has produced statements extraordinary in their inaccuracy and sanctimoniousnes…

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotPrivate companies rule – and ruin

LAST YEAR, all Exeter’s secondary schools were rebuilt using private finance initiatives…

spotBNP fiasco but vigilance essential

Workplace analysis

spotTWGU merger: Build a fighting union

TGWU merger conference: TWO MILLION TGWU and Amicus members are likely to be balloted in early 2007 on creating Britain’s largest trade union…

spotMass meeting prepares for action

spotProtesting against fare increases

spotLeeds workers on strike to defend pensions

MONDAY 11 December. Chaos in Leeds. Traffic jams all over the place. A 24-hour strike by 1,000 First bus drivers brought the city to a halt….

The Socialist Xmas quiz

spotThe Socialist quiz

OUR CHRISTMAS Quiz this year has 36 quiz questions, six quotes and six picture questions on famous people (or horses) for you to identify – they all died in 2006…


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